2022-10-31 NSF-OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila

  • Absent: Cynthia Dillon, Cindy Wong


  • New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF

    • PEP comments received from Tom being reviewed

    • Target date by the end of the week and get it to Tom sometime next week


  • Foci/scope of the week

    • EAB Nominations

      • 49 self-nominated

      • 9 nominated someone else

    • Code of Conduct: implementation

      • Ron to draft an email and send to Lizanne for review and then will sent out to Dina to include a contact number to reach out to in case of issues

    • SC22 Planning

      • Dina to send out promotions about the co-located events

      • Vendor set up in the system, the next step is to ensure they are paid in time


  • Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    • Discussion topics for SP Forum this past week were forwarded, but the salient identified issues are:

      • Reminder: ticket system requirements survey

      • Tracking and publicizing RP requests and progress

      • Globus: futures with ACCESS

      • Lack of a consistent MFA/single sign on for RPs

      • Lack of consistency for posting training offerings and signups

        • currently, every SP/RP posts their own training in their own channels (whatever that is), and has their own method for training registrations

      • Too many slack channels, creating confusion for some RPs

      • Renewing allocations: there is some confusion about the type of allocations and the process to renew existing allocations, if there is one

      • Conversion factors and credits also seem confusing


  • Successes or achievements

    • NA


  • Planned Events

    • SC22 and the various activities during the week

    • Allocations meeting in December


  • Financial considerations

    • NA


Misc Topics Discussed

  • Globus - It’s a communications topic brought by Tom G, the decision to use Globus needs to be communicated in due time with other teams

  • ACCESS Program Presentations space created by Ron - Tom G ready to share slides with folks as needed/on-demand

  • Shared drives have been created for ACCESS and the process will be shared with the teams - @Ron Payne

  • XSEDE trainings - Ron to reach out to Susan from Cornell to request if the past trainings are available


Next Meeting: 7 Nov 2022