2024-09-23 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-09-23 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Amitava (Amit) Majumdar, Dina Meek, Puri Bangalore, Sharon Geva, Lavanya Podila, Cindy Wong, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 mins)

    1. Wednesday at the Quarterly Meeting - part of the Agenda is dedicated to NSF updates - Sept 2024 ACCESS Quarterly Meeting

      1. Has 5 minutes to talk

      2. Amy Walton will be there to talk

      3. Sharon is ok to do closing remarks as needed

    2. Saw team at Tapia - interested in hearing about that

    3. In 2 weeks - Sharon will be in Pittsburgh for SAIL - Amit will be there - will there be an ACCESS presence? Will there any materials from Tapia that she can share? She is speaking on Wednesday and materials would be nice - shared part of annual review could be useful as well - She will grab that

      1. SAIL meeting - since we don’t have CB&E - we were not prepared to have anyone speak

      2. Amit will be there for Wednesday and Thursday

      3. Need to send a note to the EC team - see if they have any slides to share - John will email

        1. Should set up a Repo of presentations? - high level info

          1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JkZ3w3nbdH6LQR1k8H0ZfH1Ag_ecfWJF

        2. Started this - but it has not been kept up to date

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 mins)

    1. Preparing for a Summit Meeting - Climate Computer Summit - injecting ACCESS as a means for resources

    2. Tapia Attendance - worthwhile - we did connect with a lot of people other than researchers or RCs

      1. Kim - had a pretty good pattern developed for what was talked about at the table - a lot of graduate students, gave fliers about STEP program and internships

        1. Nice to have NCSA, Pittsburgh and SDSC

        2. No Native American representation

        3. Otherwise very well balanced

        4. Met another Science Writer with another University - will share ACCESS with their University

      2. Cindy - good experience

        1. more undergrads when she was there - talked about what is ACCESS and job opportunities

          1. confused about ACCESS Computing vs ACCESS

        2. Some Grads but not as many faculty members or researchers this year

          1. Faculty - would ACCESS be willing to talk to classes - faculty have someone come talk to their students

        3. Recruitment - was kind of confusing since Tapia promoted it as a Job Fair as well

        4. Did talk about STEP program and gave out fliers

        5. Good number of booklets were taken with interest

      3. What is next step?

        1. no official badge scanning that we were aware of

        2. WHOVA app was very active

        3. Had the students add ACCESS to their Linked in so they can reach out to us

        4. We sent things people wanted right then at the booth

        5. Did take some notes for a few follow ups

      4. Did any faculty members express interest in having ACCESS for their students?

        1. We didn’t really have someone who could focus on follow up - we have not CB&E

        2. We did give contact info and traded some emails so they can be

        3. Maybe we can be part of a career fair next year - focusing on recommending STEP

          1. we did get resumes - where should we store them? How can this be structured? Should we have job listings to share next year?

      5. We don’t have a people counter for the booth - or scanner for info

        1. Dina does have a form we can use in the future

        2. Template for newsletter sign-up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t1hMeLxHVsjDm3wnfNI_bjcGfvzZA6Pp-pCd3NkZrhA/edit?usp=sharing

      6. We should have someone write a paper or a poster so we can get someone attending next year

        1. This would get us into the technical program - where there is more likelihood of people reaching out to us afterwards

        2. Have a cheat sheet that points to job listings at participating RP sites

        3. Do we have a list of all jobs openings (or internship opportunities) among ACCESS participants - we do not

      7. Could make a page on the ACCESS website - links to (HR Dept?) for various RPs on ACCESS - that can point people to various resource Job Postings - ACCESS funded institutions or RP partners only

  3. Area updates (10+ mins)

    1. ACO

      1. making ready for NAIRR review for Friday

      2. Prepping for Quarterly Meeting

      3. SRO asked for the final PI change signature - so it is making its way through our process

    2. Evaluation

      1. All slides ready for Qtrly Meeting

      2. Working on having RP rep at Evaluation WG meetings

    3. Communications

      1. Presenting Landing Pages at Quarterly Meeting

      2. Reminder: need EC to share their tagline selection by Wednesday EOD

      3. Inside ACCESS coming out this week - ACCESS Advnace next week

    4. Project Office

      1. Preparing for Quarterly Meeting

        1. RPs will be represented at the Quarterly Meeting this week and going forward

          1. RPs may be on the call as well

        2. Next Dec - virtual - will be looking at that as well

        3. There will be remote Zoom - but they will get the short end of the stick

      2. Working on Onboarding, Inboarding, Offboarding

    5. EAB

      1. Charter out for comment - deadline was noon today

      2. Will be sent to EC for final review

Next Meeting: 30th September 2024

NSF Meeting Tasks To Do


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