2024-04-29 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-04-29 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

    1. We received spend auth for next year

    2. Still need PEP - we are working on it

      1. when they send the materials to reviewers - they will include most current PEP, Y2 - Qtr4 info - and slide deck (or note slides will be available during review) - last time we put everything in a Google Drive - that is OK - Tom will provide link

        1. how much time should we be scheduling for the agenda

          1. Tom suggests - focus forward - process is for how did we do compared to what we want to do - cover questions and what we are doing going forward

          2. day and a half - second day is maybe an hour of discussing together

          3. 30 min intro with panelists - we

          4. Sharon has something on the 6th in the morning - they will be starting later (11ish or noon EST)

            1. we will send draft agenda for them to review

          5. reviewers looking at broad picture - don’t need to focus on details

    3. presenting ACCESS at BRICCS meeting

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

    1. Quantum-Tech meeting - John went and spoke to some people about ACCESS

  3. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO

      1. Reviewing NAIRR proposal reviews - some of them were recommended to do an ACCESS explore allocations

    2. Evaluation

      1. Eval Charter is just about done

      2. Final report from Lisa is in - reviewing now

      3. RP forum Chair will be joining the EC

      4. Drafting summary report for each of the 3 surveys which will go to the EC

    3. Communications

      1. Comms Plan has been reviewed by EC - will be working on feedback

      2. Revised Newsletters - end of June/Early July

      3. New Tagline Options - will give 3 to 5 for decisions

        1. they last from 1 to 3 years typically

      4. Met for progress review with SGX3 - next week we should be getting a final report

      5. Recycle article made it into HCPWire

    4. Project Office

      1. New Project Manager docs - could be with us after they get NCSA onboarding first

        1. will this person be doing project coordination across teams? Like the Recommender System?

    5. EAB

      1. Receiving final input from the EAB; final Feb 27 meeting report should be available this week

        1. EAB Report came in this morning from Chair - in final stage of review

      2. 1-1 with EAB: finding availability with Allocation & Operations next step

      3. EAB Charter and nominations prep will discuss in ACO meeting this week

  4. Misc:

    1. Review To Do Tasks for NSF Meetings

Parking Lot



Next Meeting: 6th May 2024

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