2024-01-22 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-01-22 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

    1. Begin layout of for shared portion of Annual Review - would like to start working within this group for a couple layout reviews so we can get prepared well in advance (because this is a new format)

      1. share idea how Tom and Sharon can craft the charge statement to focus the reviewers

      2. example: how to get panel to understand context

      3. suggestions based on this year’s review

      4. deliver next week - work on them this weekend

    2. Project Coordination Tool Use

      1. part of how awardees work on codepend on each other

      2. at midyear - how are tools being used

      3. Tom - looking at Risk Management for one

        1. people are doing it within each team

          1. are there cross awardee discussions?

          2. are there ways you can share when things are happening so there can be conversations about how changes create impacts or opportunities

        2. are people sharing what they should?

        3. Project specific and Program wide risks exist

          1. each award has a list

          2. possibly start at top level

            1. goals and objectives - look for cross program risks - might make people more comfortable in sharing

            2. individual team risk - can impact 1 or more of the other teams

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)
    NSF leadership is interested in how we work on personas

  3. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO; IPR Outline

      1. if you find that is the most effective way - that is OK

      2. is for us and preserving record of what is being done

      3. if we have an efficient way of doing it - that is fine - they like to look at

        1. risks that have changed

        2. scope that has changed

        3. financials

      4. we also need to consider cadence - should it still be quarterly?

        1. will decide after this one comes out

      5. We are open to further evolution

        1. would be good to compare reports between other reporters

    2. Evaluation;

      1. submitted IRB - is in queue

      2. we need to finalize surveys (email will be coming out)

      3. EC eval underway - Lisa will be releasing report soon

    3. Communications

      1. Recommendations from Newsletters Surveys

        1. Dina shares screen

        2. Tom recommends finding some success stories/case studies and sharing in newsletters - he hears a lot of people saying they are just not recognized for what they do (possibly working with skype forum/program)

      2. bring up the newsletter in the quarterly meeting to get more input and readers

    4. Community Engagement;

      1. no update

    5. Project Office;

      1. prep underway for the quarterly meeting

      2. Requesting topics - and people are submitting ideas

      3. we will probably be having a 1/2 day DEI session on Day 1

    6. EAB;

      1. Getting final input from team to Jing - and then that report will be coming back to us

      2. report will be presented at Chicago Conference

  4. Misc:

    1. Year 1 Review overview discussion

Parking Lot

  • Risk Management - shape based on metrics and add labels/categories to indicate cross program risks

Next Meeting: 29th January 2024

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