2024-11-04 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-11-04 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary



John Towns, Amitava (Amit) Majumdar, Chuck Pavlovski, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. Updates from NSF (5 mins)

    1. Sharon has our report - but has not read it yet

    2. Puri: can we list all the projects that have allocation thru access - yes

    3. Puri: how does one find it? How to get to it?

      1. what are the steps to get there? Is it intuitive?

        1. you can’t get it to the main page - you have to go to allocations to find it

        2. maybe put it on the landing pages?

        3. Maybe a filtered link on the personas pages - based on personas

      2. new users want to know what people are doing with ACCESS - is it appropriate for what they are doing - don’t want to be embarrassed about asking for something that would not be right for them

    4. How are things with SC Prep

      1. Booth secured - all ancillary needs taken care of - material handlers in place - volunteers

      2. Purchasing is in place

      3. Lavanya flying on 17th to get there early

      4. Working with Comms to get lead capture and scan badges

      5. Finalizing persona postcards and display, game Match resource to institution, swag

      6. ACCESS did get HPC Wire award

      7. Media emails out

      8. Working on next year

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 mins)

    1. none

  3. NSF Meeting Tasks To Do

  1. Area updates (10+ mins)

    1. ACO

      1. Quarterly report submitted on Thursday of last week (Oct 31, 2024)

      2. Search to replace Sr Proj Manager opened last week.

    2. Evaluation

      1. Went thru all metrics for all goals - just about finalized

      2. Working on Survey questions - send out in January

        1. will run thru EC

    3. Communications

      1. This week: ACCESS Advance deploys; EAB nominations email

    4. Project Office

      1. Getting reminders out of Jira - works now

      2. Tracking 4Ls/Lessons learned tracking for Q3 is now in place

      3. Puri: Quarterly Meeting - hold the date is in place - might want to get a firm date in the calendar since it is right after Thanksgiving now & the tentative agenda

        1. Agenda planning group has not met yet - as soon as it meets will send out reminder

        2. We do need extra reminders during this season

    5. EAB

      1. Three nominations for the EAB have been received as of Nov 4th, two self nominations and one external nomination.

      2. EAB is in process of digesting meeting notes - EC should get report in a couple weeks

    6. Kim

      1. Website idea - make a PDF and is Sneak a Peek at ACCESS users - not as long as going thru Science Stories or the ACCESS database

      2. Would be nice to talk to Web Presence about that topic

Next Meeting: 25th November 2024

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