2022-09-26 NSF-OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila

  • Absent: 


  • New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF

    • No major inputs of note

  • Foci/scope of the week

    • EAB Charter

    • Draft Code of Conduct

    • SC22 Planning

      • Messaging important to NSF:

        • democratizing access to advanced computational resources, and;

        • leverage/collaborate with other services/efforts in the ecosystem. (Tom G to provide language around this.)

      • Need to explore CSSN messaging for SC22.

      • Tom to provide info on OAC staff that will be at SC22 as reference for ACCESS staff to provide to ACCESS booth visitors.

  • Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    • ACO metrics planning and collection - topics to be discussed within team

    • Segment of the community (users & RPs) need some clarification on allocation credits

    • Tom G would like to understand how ACCESS will identify, define, plan, track communication/marketing campaigns.


  • Successes or achievements


  • Planned Events


  • Financial considerations

  • Misc:

    • Tom asked for updated logo with transparent background. Dina to follow-up.


Next Meeting: 03 Oct 2022