2024-08-19 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-08-19 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Amitava (Amit) Majumdar, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley


Parking Lot



Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 mins)

    1. Sharon: reminder: if there are changes in personnel - make sure to submit the appropriate paperwork

    2. From ACCESS: may get asked about this at the quarterly meeting

      1. What is going on with CTAP?

      2. What happens next for Community Building and Engagement?

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 mins)

    1. nothing to report on

  3. Area updates (10+ mins)

    1. ACO

      1. working to complete the post Shawn outline plans for next steps

      2. Is there anything needed from NSF to add to what Amit/?? will be doing for ACCESS? not at this time

      3. We did create a list of things that everyone is doing - inventory of tasks - some have changed/and increased as time has progressed since the start of the project

    2. Evaluation

      1. Eval plan revision was completed

      2. In talks about plan for next year

      3. Review Metrics based on surveys - this is in scope with review of program wide goals - will be discussed at quarterly meeting in September

    3. Communications

      1. National Science Foundation (NSF), ACCESS-AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems? - what is this

        1. the acronym stands for ACCESS

        2. ours was not trademarked

        3. this is in Hong Kong - https://inno-access.hk/

        4. Is not associated with NSF or us

      2. Tom G - suggests after Sharon get report out about SCIPE - perhaps there is something in communications that could help

      3. Communications should build up the Navigator/recommendation system when it comes out - and really make it a big deal to make people get excited about it

      4. Can do campaigns - just need to know what should be promoted AND what the priorities are

      5. How can we build Opening, clicks and read through for internal newsletters? (our industry is ~30+%)

      6. Working on website and taglines, EC planning, lots of additional things

      7. Kim - Brown Dwarf cluster discovered utilizing Expanse that she is writing about

    4. Project Office

      1. Captured PY2 Review Panel ACO responses: ACCESS OpenCI / ACO NSF Panel Questions & Responses: Project Year 2

      2. List of To Dos/Tasks for evaluation: PY 2 Review Panel Response Items

      3. Working on agenda for Sept meeting - we have a draft agenda to present to EC tomorrow

      4. NeurIPS - should we have a presence?

        1. Sharon has not heard anything new yet - conference is in Canada so makes logistics more difficult

      5. Supplemental budgeting and funding will be changing

    5. EAB

      1. 7/18 meeting report - pending update from EAB chair

      2. Fall EAB virtual meeting - narrowing down to two dates: (session will be recorded)

        1. Monday, Oct. 21: 9am - 11am PT / 11am - 1pm CT / 12pm - 2pm ET - Sharon has to be at a conference

        2. Tuesday, Oct 1, will select 2 hours between the 3 hour timeframe listed: 8am - 11am PT / 10am - 1pm CT / 11am - 2pm ET - this may be better for Sharon

      3. EAB charter v2 being reviewed by ACO (deadline Friday, Aug 23.) Next will hand off to EC to review and comment.

  4. Misc:

    1. SAIL - ACCESS will be at this conference

    2. Informal Co-Advisory Meeting - John will be working on getting the next one scheduled

Next Meeting: 26th August 2024

NSF Meeting Task To Dos


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