2024-11-25 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-11-25 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary



John Towns, Amitava (Amit) Majumdar, Chuck Pavlovski, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 mins)

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 mins)

    1. SC24 booth - had a number of people make a point of thanking us for this program, saying it is so important to them and their work

    2. Students were not aware of ACCESS or Step Program

    3. Got 250 names for the mailing list

    4. Sharon did two different BOFs - on one did learning and workforce development at one and technical/hardware at the other

      1. got questions - how can undergrads get involved

  3. Participating in event in coming year (5 mins)

    1. funding support issues

      1. John has been using unspent funds from our award - or ICR from XSEDE - to pay for conference funding

      2. We need to look at what should we have a presence at - Topic is on EC meeting next week

    2. John working on funding request - will have EC review - plan to submit before break

      1. ACO needs travel and hosting/facilities/catering funds

  4. NSF Meeting Tasks To Do

  1. Area updates (10+ mins)

    1. ACO

      1. John - budgeting and supplement

      2. IPR is in

      3. EC charter update - final updates to review

      4. Review comments from consolidated review panel summary -

      5. Accepted HPCWire Awards for ACCESS

    2. Evaluation

      1. no meeting this week

    3. Communications

      1. Per Puri’s suggestion regarding Current Projects link, we’ve added Explore Current Projects to quick links for persona pages (except RP)

      2. SC24

        1. We scanned approximately 250 badges (our goal was at least 200); most will be added to our newsletter mailing list

        2. Survey sent to booth volunteers to inform our plans for next year

        3. Persona postcards seemed to be well received; people appreciated having curated information

    4. Project Office

      1. Shannon Updates

        1. Summarized KPIs and Metrics for Amit - working to align goals for Q3 as detailed in Q2 report

      2. Lavanya Updates

        1. RTP submitted for space selection for SC25

        2. Funds transferred from NCSA to SDSC as a sub award reimbursement

        3. Call for agenda topics sent for the December quarterly meeting

          1. don’t forget to put the To Do items in the agenda for each segment

        4. Request submitted to the Big 10 center for in person meeting in March/April 2025

          1. Shelley’s meeting is beginning of April

          2. We typically have the meetings in March

          3. There is a NAIRR Pilot annual meeting Feb 18 to 21

        5. For Sept in person meeting, working with Tom Furlani to have preliminary conversations with UB events

    5. EAB

      1. 39 nominees

      2. Will new nominees be meeting with us in April? or should we wait for an in person

        1. John liked onboarding and then give them a bit before meeting with us

        2. We should record the onboarding for future use

    6. Kim

      1. Made good contacts at SC

Sharon - has talked to people who have used BlueArc to transfer history from X to BlueSky

Next Meeting:

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