2024-09-16 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-09-16 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Amitava (Amit) Majumdar, Dina Meek, Sharon Geva, Purushotham Bangalore (Puri), Lavanya Podila, Cindy Wong, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 mins)

    1. Purushotham Bangalore (Puri), new program officer (IPA) with OAC

      1. University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa Campus

    2. Sharon - will still be the cognizant program officer

    3. Introductions

    4. Sharon reviewing the new website updates via PDF (could not access the development area) - has some suggestions about wording

      1. Dina says just send it to her

      2. Will probably send comments further down the road

    5. Sharon went to the RP meeting last week in Boston - thought it went very well - very collaborative

      1. mix of technical “how to” and personal interaction

      2. Action Items sent to the EC

        1. may want to discuss at a plenary at the quarterly meeting

    6. Sharon seeing presentations at NSF - and they are seeing ACCESS news stories in the broader impact presentations

      1. people are looking at our new stories all over

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 mins)

    1. John - at individualizing medicine conference - talked about ACCESS

      1. they have HIPA data which is a challenge

      2. talking about AI in their work

      3. many are hesitant around Supercomputing and HPC terms - they think of these tools as for someone else and not for them - should we think about more different language?

        1. Dina has put this in the ACO Wednesday meeting to discuss possible approaches

        2. Another term medicine uses is “cloud”

        3. We need to ask them what terminology they would prefer

        4. Seeing more medicine in the NAIRR pilot - we will see more of this

        5. Professors who are clinicians - possibly we could refer them to other stories that have been done about others in medicine using ACCESS/HPC/Supercomputing

      4. John says computer resources and data ______

      5. The CaRCC comms group I’ve been meeting with proposes “Research Computing and Data”

  3. Area updates (10+ mins)

    1. ACO

      1. sent request to SRO this morning - should go to NSF next - Sharon will look for it

      2. Reviewing EC Charter - will be discussing at tomorrow’s meeting

    2. Evaluation

      1. Eval standing committee is refining metrics after they were used during annual review

      2. will be presenting the updates at Quarterly Meeting

    3. Communications

      1. Working through feedback on the website Landing Pages with the web developers

      2. Will be submitting final tagline choices to EC for selection of one

        1. 3 made the final list

      3. SC - Personas postcards are with the EC for feedback; developing in-booth game for prize drawing

    4. Project Office

      1. working on budget updates and personnel changes

      2. Some members will be at Tapia staffing booth

      3. Sept 2024 ACCESS Quarterly Meeting - finalizing

    5. EAB

      1. Charter sent to EAB for review and comments (deadline Monday, Sept. 23)

      2. EAB nomination form document to be reviewed and approved by EC prior to launch in October

        1. will be open for a month


Next Meeting: 23rd September 2024

NSF Meeting Tasks To Do


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