2024-03-18 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-03-18 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

    1. When are the annual reviews going to happen? they are juggling dates and will let us know as soon as possible - it has to be 30 days out from when they are set up (so right now we are at least 30 days out)

    2. late April / Early May - Annual Report can be basis for auth to spend/funding

    3. Two weeks should be good to give panel time to review - earliest would be April 5 at this point (will move out continually from here)

    4. Now that we are looking at early May - we need to send any blackout dates for early May

      1. Dina has travel planned May 2-6

      2. Shannon out at least May 2 & 3 - was thinking about the next week as well but was holding off due to this booking

    5. They are waiting on PEP - John says we are almost done updating - reviewers will want a copy of this

    6. What other advance materials should we send?

      1. report - (quarterly report for Q4) - possibly send a copy of Q3 and this Q4

      2. new PEP

      3. slides for all presentations

      4. is this for full year or just from the mid-year review to now

        1. send them the mid year review responses - so we can highlight where we are in response to that


  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

    1. Community survey (program wide) - should be back next week - reviewers may want a copy of this

    2. CASS meeting was last week - ACCESS was prominently discussed and we had good representation

    3. Follow up with FDA - they are excited to collaborate - should see an allocation request soon

    4. We will be doing the SGX3 eval of our website


  3. Annual Review questions (15 mins)

    1. ACO role coordinating content on progress toward program-wide goals for shared portion of reviews

    2. Content about the annual review - should we highlight the work completed after the mid year review or should we cover the entire year?

      1. April 1, 2023  through March 30, 2024


        December 1, 2023 through March 30, 2024


    3. Agenda Outline from PY1

      1. OpenCI/ACO Project Opening Remarks (30 min) - should have the shared slides across the review - and then some ACO specific things

      2. Program Governance & Advisory Support (40 min) - this could probably reduce to 30 mins

      3. Communication & Outreach (45 min) -

      4. Community Building & Engagement (45 min) - may not need 45 mins since it is structured differently now

      5. Project Collaboration Infrastructure & Tools (30 min)

      6. Project Finances (15 min)

      7. Evaluation (30 min) - not the program wide Evaluation - but is our external evaluator info and evaluation working group (what ever is not in shared slides)

      8. Q&A session (30 min)

    4. Shorter duration for the review? - NSF / Sharon was thinking about 4 hours - they would like thing to be a day and a half review

      1. 4 hrs for presentation

      2. 4 hrs for discussion

      3. 4 hrs the next day

    5. Annual review report: do we need to submit this by the end of March so the panel has this before the reviews? - see answer above

  4. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO;

      1. PEP and Budget

    2. Evaluation;

      1. RP and Staff surveys are out - will include in review

        1. Community survey closes next Friday, March 29

      2. Eval group would like to start getting together program wide goals will be put out on the wiki - and have data that we have gathered listed there - working on where this would best go

    3. Communications

      1. Updating Comms plan for PY3

      2. Updating logo’d assets to add NSF logo and remove tagline

      3. Gathering subjects and finalize work plan for SGX3 website study

    4. Project Office;

      1. Gathered feedback from the quarterly meeting

        1. Do not need to share Quarterly meeting survey details with NSF - a summary is fine

      2. prep for the next IPR and annual reviews

      3. Working on Suggestions and Tool Evals from Quarterly Meeting

    5. EAB;

      1. Feedback from EAB being collected from Feb meeting (last call this week will be sent)

      2. Summary report details are being collected by EAB, lead by Chair

      3. Future meeting plans for the next 3 virtual EAB meetings and one-on-one to be discussed at 3/19 EC meeting

  5. Misc:

    1. Chairs from the WGs, SCs - talked about the things that came back from the Quarterly Meeting

    2. Review To Do Tasks for NSF Meetings

Parking Lot


Next Meeting: 18th March 2024

Action Tracker:

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