2022-11-07 NSF-OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Ron Payne, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Shawn Strande

  • Absent: Lizanne DeStefano, Cynthia Dillon, Cindy Wong


  • New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF



  • Foci/scope of the week

    • EAB Nominations review

      • Cindy’s update on EAB submissions: 70

      • list of nominees, based on the statements provided and will be mapped into the competency matrix

      • NSF-OpenCi leadership team to review nominees

      • EC to highlight any nominees who will not be suitable

      • The nominees who are not selected, we will be reaching out to them with other opportunities/ways to engage

    • Code of Conduct: establishing ombudspersons and anonymous submission form

    • Responses/updates to PEP from Tom’s input

    • SC22 Planning: managing high risk of shipping, setup and printing form booth vendor.


  • Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    • Things on our radar that the ACO can work on directly:

      • Communications, both cross-award and with the community

    • Things we are tracking, but are not directly involved:

      • Socializing new allocations opportunities, credits, and the marketplace

  • Successes or achievements

    • Newsletters out - Dina

    • Shared drives have been setup - Ron

  • Planned Events

    • Allocations review 1st week of December

  • Financial considerations

    • Discuss visibility of local contingency funds.

  • Misc:



Next Meeting:

14 November 2022 (Cancelled due to SC)

21 November 2022