2023-05-15 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-05-15 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong


  1. New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF (5 mins)

  2. Evaluations Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed) (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week -

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Successes or achievements

  3. Communications Update @Dina Meek (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

      • Preparing for EC presentation on Communications and Web & Branding Working Group activities

      • Finalizing PEARC (and future conference) table/booth “kit”

        • Pull up banner

        • Table cloth

      • Continuing work on the website

        • We will soon have pages up about:

          •  RPs (with links for action)

          • How to get involved with ACCESS (so we can continue to point to it in newsletters, social media, etc.

        • Getting our universal navigation finalized, style and footers

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Success or achievements

  4. Community Engagement Update @Jay Alameda (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

      1. Working to close on code of conduct updates https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zKemCUZIasEvOqcltp9uNnwQHCSZTCi4BzJdF8t0GmA/edit#

      2. Recent Events

        1. MS-CC, May 10-11, 2023

          1. Alan Chalker report

            1. Discussion with Phillip Wallace - United Negro College Fund

            2. key point: need to do more than just sign up for account - needs to be education, training and engagement

            3. Discussion with Russell Hoffman, on MC-CC grant, representing AIHEC interests

            4. key point - lack of resources (staff, broadband connectivity, local computing) is a persistent challenge that needs attention through any engagement.

      3. Upcoming events:

        1. RMACC - 5/23/2023

          1. Support, Allocations

        2. Unite 2023 UNCF Summit for Black Education, July 17-20, 2023

        3. PEARC23 - July 23-27, 2023

          1. All groups present, multiple BoFs submitted

          2. Community Engagement in with Support BoF (along with Allocations)

        4. Tapia - Sept 13-16, 2023

        5. CC* PI Workshop - Sept 25-27, 2023

          1. In conjunction with Quilt

          2. Operations

        6. Grace Hopper - Sept 26 -29, 2023

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

      1. Would like to secure invitations to relevant NSF PI workshops (eg, CC*, CSSI, …)


    3. Successes or achievements

      1. none to report

  5. Project Office Updates @Lavanya Podila (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Successes or achievements

  6. EAB Updates @Shawn Strande (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

      1. Exploring brief in-person EAB meeting at PEARC

      2. Connected with Eva Siegmann (RP Forum Chair) as new EAB member

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Successes or achievements

  7. Planned Events

    1. ACCESS Program Wide Meeting in Boulder, CO on Monday, 26th June & Tuesday, 27th June

    2. PEARC 23 in Portland, OR, 23th July - 27th July

  8. Financial considerations

    1. Discussions underway for PY2 budget and PY1 underspend redistribution.

  9. Misc:

Next Meeting: 22nd May 2023


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