2023-08-07 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-08-07 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Shannon Bradley, Kim Mann Bruch


  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

  2. Welcome Kim Mann Bruch (Shawn) - introductions

  3. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

    1. In discussion with Allocations about how to address large instrument allocations (Shawn)

      1. long lifetimes and large data/compute needs

      2. should this be broken out into a separate workflow for approvals and have more info available to set expectations?

    2. NSF - blurb for internal newsletter is coming (by Wednesday)

  4. Incorporated comments into Working Group and Standing Committee process doc. It is complete. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JTE9xHH2rBAuBN7r844YaY-5Kyg5BTvZ/edit

    1. Will finalize with EC then move forward implementing this with existing WGs and SCs and begin to promulgate for new ones (Shawn)

    2. Will review list - if they are transitory - they will be working groups and then stand down

      1. if they are needed for life of project - they will be standing committee

  5. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO

    2. Evaluation

      1. Eval Working Group sync-up this Thursday (Shawn) with key eval contacts

      2. how to move group ahead without Lizanne and focusing on program wide goals

    3. Communications;

      1. Drafted ACCESS 101 FAQ (with D. Hart), and submitted to Comms Working Group for review and posting (Shawn)

        1. High level - and guide people to more detailed ones

      2. Newsletter Survey planning (Dina)

        1. Shawn provided 10 questions to get info back from readers

          1. looking for launch in September

      3. Check on Status of new request for comms article that featured ACCESS as a part of PEARC - newsletter @Dina Meek

        1. ACCESS had substantial involvement at PEARC - highlight all that - papers, presentations, etc.

      4. HPC Readers Choice Awards - starting with science stories that have been published and how they correlate to the categories

    4. Community Engagement;

      1. Engagement criteria (Shawn)

        1. We have the tracking sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_EXKUOXmY-TVkDWaHR1-SuiKt404uGEnGSr6uQCkwzw/edit?pli=1#gid=0 ) but want to move towards criteria for engagement that addresses desired outcomes and how to measure them.

          1. next will be deciding which activities and events to engage in - especially program wide

            1. if we know in advance people are going - we can ask them to do something for ACCESS while there

            2. Ties in well to DEI working Group

            3. What should we plan for planned ones vs serendipitous meetings

            4. Dina will remind everyone that we have elevator speeches on the wiki in the internal newsletter

            5. Boilerplates

      2. Submitted SC’23 Support “Birds of a Feather” (Shawn)

      3. Provided feedback to Support team for PEARC “How to ACCESS” tutorial and “ACCESS Support BoF” (Shawn)

    5. Project Office;

    6. EAB:

      1. Created EAB e-mail list, will reach out about their interests in appointing a Chair (Cindy/Shawn)

Next Meeting: 14th August 2023


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