2023-07-03 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-07-03 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva


  1. Discussion of meeting agenda format (5 minutes)

  2. Debrief on in-person meeting (15 minutes)

  3. Discussion of NSF panel response drafts (15 minutes)

  4. Discussion of Draft ACO KPIs (10 minutes)

  5. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

  6. Area updates (10 minutes)

    1. Evaluation;

    2. Communications;

    3. Community Engagement;

    4. Project Office;

      1. Preparations ongoing for ACCESS Booth for PEARC 23

      2. Preparations for ACCESS colocated event on 27th July, Thursday

      3. CaRCC/RCD Nexus

      4. AI@UIUC story

    5. EAB

Next Meeting: 10th July 2023