2025-01-27 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2025-01-27 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Amitava (Amit) Majumdar, Chuck Pavloski, Dina Meek , Lavanya Podila, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot

hold a workshop looking at integrating quantum computing into regular computing environments -
See notes below: will proceed with a BOF at SC and have a workshop in 2026

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. Updates from NSF (5 mins)

    1. Awaiting guidance on how a number of Executive Orders will be implemented by NSF.

    2. They are mostly on hold - (not proceeding until guidance) - no awards

    3. All IPAs will be in office as of Feb 27 - Puri will have to be in office

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 mins)

  3. NSF Meeting Tasks To Do

  1. Area updates (10+ mins)

    1. ACO (John)

      1. Quarterly Report submitted Saturday morning

      2. Digging out from being off-line last week

      3. We are the only team that has not sent in blackout dates

    2. Evaluation (Amit)

      1. Staff Survey out and closes Friday, Jan. 31 (open for 3 weeks)

      2. Community survey out as of today, closes Friday, Feb. 21 (4 weeks)

      3. RP survey in-progress

    3. Communications (Dina, Kim)

      1. Newsletters

        1. Inside ACCESS goes out this Thursday

        2. ACCESS Advance goes out next Thursday

      2. Web

        1. User Testing by Persona underway this and next week

      3. New news stories coming out

      4. Offices of Indian Education - continue as normal but they have to review for disguised language

    4. Project Office (Lavanya, Shannon)

      1. Working on new processes - on-boarding for ACO first draft complete, tracking ACCESS wide Metrics

      2. When should we discuss the parking lot: hold a workshop looking at integrating quantum computing into regular computing environments

        1. John has talked to the Quantum Computing community recently

          1. they say we might want to start this as a birds of a feather at SC - and use that as a workshop that would come in first half of 2026

          2. John is working on the submission

            1. Puri: include Martin Schultz from Munich so we can be international - John has several he can include

      3. Tasks toward finishing Quarterly report

    5. EAB (Chuck, Cindy)

      1. EC slide deck in progress for the orientation (Cindy assembling)

      2. Orientation scheduled this Friday at Noon EST

      3. Comms announcement drafted, in final preparation for dissemination

      4. Cindy will provide info for EAB website to Dina

Next Meeting: 3rd Feb 2025



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