2023-03-13 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-03-13 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne


  1. New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF (5 mins)

  2. Evaluations Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed) (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Successes or achievements

  3. Communications Update @Dina Meek (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week - PEARC planning

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

      1. Just want to memorialize in our process documents when Tom wants/needs to review content

        1. Tom asks that any time there is an NSF aspect to a communication, share with him

          1. We want to be sure we’re aligning with how they are positioning their work

          2. Tom can turn things in 1-2 days

    3. Successes or achievements

      1. The Comms team has developed a materials request form and process:

      2. We hit our social media KPI for February

        1. Social Media - Monthly Metrics

  4. Community Engagement Update @Jay Alameda (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

      1. Waiting for feedback from AIHEC

      2. Planning PEARC23 BoF submission

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Successes or achievements

  5. Project Office Updates @Ron Payne (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

      1. Finalizing ACCESS Program-Level Milestones

      2. Populating Risk Register with ACO risks

      3. Updating Performance Management Plan, based on team feedback

      4. Potentially adding full set of Jira Service Management (JSM a.k.a. ticket system) agents

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

      1. Working with Operations to define/document post-launch JSM administration

    3. Successes or achievements

      1. JSM soft launch

  6. EAB Updates @Shawn Strande (10 mins)

    1. Foci/scope of the week

    2. Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

    3. Successes or achievements

  7. Planned Events

    1. NSF Reviews 18th April 2023 (Tentative)

  8. Financial considerations

  9. Misc:

    1. John working on supplement request with other PIs.

    2. John starting to DRAFT ACCESS paper for PEARC

    3. ACO:Support team:team meeting on Thursday

    4. Beginning planning for late June in-person, program -wide meeting

    5. Finalizing PEP based on last comments.

Next Meeting: 20 March 2023


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