2023-10-16 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary
John Towns - present
Dina Meek - present
Tom Gulbransen - present
Lavanya Podila - Present
Jay Alameda - present
Shawn Strande - present
Cindy Wong - absent
Sharon Geva - present
Kim Mann Bruch - present
Shannon Bradley - present
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro
Updates from NSF (5 minutes)
NAIR activities are progress - Sharon has direct access
National discovery cloud for (climate research) - NDCC
Marlon Pierce is leading from OAC - this will be another group we should connect with
We need to be included in conversations so we can get connected - can someone connect us in?
we are not the hub - what we do could certainly be a thing that connects people - but these programs are on their own
Behave as a service company - earn our way in
Thomas would like a short cut place to get to all our links - quick links
Started here: NSF OpenCI Meetings
that common starting point is helpful way to scroll around multiple tools on same long page. May be helpful to link over to Comms' top3 campaigns or messages to emphasis currently. (that list doesn't exist yet, but it will
Sharon - was asked how the booth is paid for - does ACCESS both get paid from ACO or something else
The ACO does pay for the booth and catering in our case - including paying for ACO staff - other people from other awards are paying for their own
everything comes from 1 budget
some people split funding - with some coming out of ACCESS and other projects
NCSA is funding some people to help with booth
What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)
John met with EDUCAUSE - they are interested in speaking wtih ACCESS as a follow on project
they were not aware of XCEDE or ACCESS - so we can act as a resource
Contacted by journal Santia last week - they want to do an article on ACCESS
should come out in Dec or January
will mention to EC as well - (next week meeting)
Awaiting any NSF feedback on revised PEP (v2.1)
no expectation of another cycle
Question lodged with NSF regarding sharing of ACCESS data via XDMoD
Sharon was working on this
Tom Purlani’s update was just released today - Tom G is reviewing
we might have some policy changes to look at
Will let EC address
Tom G will share with RCs
Area updates (10+ minutes)
Contacted by Scientia regarding an article about ACCESS; will bring up on next EC call; looks like a worthwhile effort to raise awareness
John contacted by Eva Siegmann to look at RP Forum Charter
At EDUCAUSE on Wednesday (10/11): Presented poster: “Creating a Data-Informed Culture to Drive Innovation”; had more interest than I had anticipated; was able to talk about ACCESS as part of the discussions; most had not heard of it.
Working through the the program-wide metrics into from the September PW meeting.
Shawn working on table and how to consolidate it
There were 85 metrics mentioned from the meeting - came from Team meeting
Shannon seeing if there is a good way to track the Matrix via Jira like we do for Risk Management
Eval group meets this week
I’ve added Fernanda Pembleton and Christine Christy to ACCESS newsletter mailing lists
What name/word might we use to incorporate the CITAP (technology accelerator pathway) award into our web presence ecosystem?
will make sure they have the style guide to match with ACCESS
Closest word we can think of for CITAP is “software” - but that is not quite it
don't need a decision now - but will as this pans out
“accelerator” might be a term to look at (not quite an incubator but similar)
Have updated the access-ci.org site to improve access to “getting started” information - shared screen
About Screen: About ACCESS
Sharon can give more input
Tom -
3 boxes across - light green one to the right - reword - “I want to share resources through ACCESS” (cyberinfracture, software, experts)
More to explore - that could be a place to put “what success with ACCESS means” - this science got done faster/better - we have those stories - put them in here (storyboarding?)
Community Engagement;
Plan and Charter are with EC Sponsor Shelley Knuth/heading to the EC
Events upcoming - will be looking out beyond SuperComputing
Project Office;
Working on ACO financials,
prep for mid year reveiw
Working on ACO risks
Working IPR
Updating Risks - reviewing and updating tool
Creating more dashboards
Planning for Dec in-person meeting. Cindy working on logistics and supporting EAB members with travel and reimbursement.
Parking Lot
Next Meeting: 23rd October 2023
Action Tracker:
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