2022-08-17 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, Dina Meek

  • Absent: none


  • Debrief on EC meeting @John Towns

    • EC Charter approved

    • Cybersecurity Governance Council initial members identified, ACO to be a passive member to watch for information related to ACO work.

    • Need agenda items

      • info@access-ci.org for general questions, form on main webpage go to email forwarded to ACO PM for triage.

  • OpenCI PEP Update @Ron Payne

    • Sect 4 - update text based on ACO voting authority on EC - Ron

      • Ron to update text

    • Sect 4.2 - EAB added text - Shawn/John

      • John to review text in his next pass (this week)

    • Sect 4.2 - EAB members and NSF reference - Shawn/John

      • John to review text in his next pass (this week)

    • Sect 5.1 & 20 - Internal newsletter - Dina

      • Leave wording

    • Sect 5.1 - Terminology Task Force - Shawn

      • Shawn to soften language

    • Sect 5.4.1 - Update image to add data collection - Shawn

      • Shawn to update image

    • Sect 21 - curated media list - Dina

      • Remove

    • Sects 22, 24, 25 - section content needed - Jay

      • Jay to add content

    • Sect 26 - add COVID info? - John

      • John to review text in his next pass (this week)

  • XSEDE Website @Ron Payne

    • Ticket submitted for DNS redirect beginning 1 September 2022.

      • Redirect message should be shown. Text is in email thread.

    • Same redirect needs to be in place for portal.xsede.org

    • A forward needs to be in place for help@xsede.org to point to tickets@support.access-ci.org.

  • EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

  • Communications Update@Dina Meek

    • Focused FAQ for basic information may be useful to have on the main page.

  • Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    • Move to top of agenda for next ACO call

  • Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)



Next Meeting: 24 August 2022