2022-09-01 Meeting notes

2022-09-01 Meeting notes


Sep 1, 2022


  • @Dina Meek

    • @Stephen Deems @Megan Janeski @Alana.Romanella @Bob DeLeon @Leslie Froeschl @Cindy Wong @Dillon Eischen, Cynthia (Unlicensed) Andrew Helregel, Megan Johnson


  • Review SC22 Print Materials Process

 Discussion topics







Coordinating communications


    • what communications is each group sending out?

      • Track 3 (Operations)- RP communications will continue for the short term via email and in the RP forum (will continue using SP forum and (other) email lists…will migrate eventually to access-ci.org list) and for STEP not sure yet - small list; they will also in the fall about recruiting for student programs; primarily email. Budget dictates that they keep it simple; visible to all on Wiki

      • Track 2 (Support) - VIP newsletter; sending as needed (have sent twice to list Julie cultivated); will use CC with next VIP newsletter in Sept. Alana will add Dina to that list

      • Track 1 (Allocations) - Allocations periods (9/15-10/15) - ACO will include in upcoming September email; very targeted to specific audiences

      • Track 4 (Metrics) - no plans for a regular newsletter; usually communicate XDMoD mailing list; may have an occasional announcement ACO can help with; Also education/trainings/demos to promote via ACO newsletter

    • how can we subscribe to those?

    • where might there be audience overlap and should we discuss how to coordinate with each other?

 Action items


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