2022-12-15 Meeting notes
Dec 15, 2022
@Dina Meek @Andrew Helregel @Megan Johnson @Megan Janeski @Alana.Romanella @Bob DeLeon @Leslie Froeschl @Hannah Naughton @Cindy Wong @Stephen Deems
Possible shift in messaging of ACCESS program from "who we are, how we are organized" to "what ACCESS means to you as a..." for each stakeholder group @Tom Gulbransen (15 minutes)
We are past the point where we describe who we are and we need to change the narrative to “What does it mean to use ACCESS for each stakeholder group (for instance, as an RP, or a campus champion etc.
Let’s focus on success stories
We need to be able to tell the high-level ACCESS story in 5 minutes
Let’s consider top three items folks need to know by quarter by service area
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
SC22 | Dina | Booth Volunteer Survey Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RCAuocHz8t6Lkn8f5iJuX-0vdWVfT3BuF-VxZTda_uM/edit?usp=sharing |
Social Media | Andrew | November metrics
Website | Cynthia/Meggie | Web stories update -
Newsletters | Hannah | Newsletter update
Brand | Dina |
Misc. | Deems | (Time permitting)
Action items
@Dina Meek will work on where we might locate a repository for slides that anyone w/in ACCESS put together so we can all have access to slides detailing things outside our areas.
@Megan Johnson will begin work on a story about Support’s Pegasus