2022-09-22 Meeting notes


Sep 22, 2022


  • @Dina Meek Andrew Helregel, @Megan Janeski @Megan Johnson @Bob DeLeon @Cindy Wong @Alana.Romanella @Cynthia Dillon (Unlicensed) @Hannah Naughton


  • Focus today is on SC Planning

 Discussion topics








Andrew Helregel/Megan Janeski

  • Update on SC print materials

    • overall brochure - ACO pays for

    • will utilize all that this team submitted

    • Allocations QR postcard - Allocations pays for

      • They will produce if they want to have

Dina Meek/Megan Johnson

  • Update on Booth

  • Reminder: SC participation

    • Need list of all personnel from all service areas/tracks by 9/30

      • There will be 2 from Allocations

      • Please email to dinameek@illinois.edu

      • Also, who are the Points of Contact for each service area? Dina to share with EC

        • ACO - Dina/Ron Payne

        • Operations - Leslie Froeschl

        • Support - Alana

        • Allocations - see email

        • Metrics - see email (Nikolay)

    • Volunteer list - we’ll need to push this out to our staff

      • Sign up in an open google doc - link to be shared

        • should be ready early next week

        • can share in next ACCESS email

      • Who can assist Megan with this if needed?

        • Ken Hackworth

  • Booth Events -

    • brainstorming session tomorrow

    • Alana - Campus Champions - might not be best to focus solely on this; could incorporate other affiliated groups/services



Social Media update

  • successful transition

  • good feedback/interaction

  • promoting web stories

  • should have an analytics report monthly/quarterly



Web stories update

  • Plan for pulling stories

    • We will follow up on stories left over from XSEDE allocations that we know of

    • We will be working with the Allocations team to try to get info on potential science stories

    • Shooting for one story / week

    • Andrew is getting some social feedback from people with allocations so he can feed to Meggie/Cynthia



Newsletter update

  • finalizing newsletter plans

  • meeting with Dina/Megan J this week on designs

  • reviewing analytics from last year of XSEDE

  • did a survey for staff newsletter content via Slack; folks want to see:

    • Monthly cadence

    • reports from each service area/track

 Action items

@Stephen Deems introduce @Megan Johnson (Megan) to Ken via email so he can support volunteer efforts for SC booth
@Dina Meek will bring the call for volunteers (also getting a staff email list together) to the EC;
@Megan Johnson to share link to volunteer sign up sheet with Dina for distribution in comms channels
