2022-09-15 Meeting notes


Sep 15, 2022


  • @Dina Meek Andrew Helregel, @Megan Janeski @Megan Johnson @Bob DeLeon @Cindy Wong @Alana.Romanella


  • Focus today is on SC Planning

 Discussion topics








Andrew Helregel

  • Present SC Comms Plan

    • Bob DeLeon - booth presentations have been helpful in his experience with SC

  • Update on print material submissions

    • Alana/Support sent copy

    • Bob/Metrics sent copy

    • Deems thinks just a QR code would work for them

      • QR Code

        • Stephen suggested pointing to Allocations

Dina Meek

  • SC participation

    • Need list of all personnel from all service areas/tracks by 9/30


      • Please email to dinameek@illinois.edu

      • Also, who are the Points of Contact for each service area? Dina to share with EC

    • Volunteer list - we’ll need to push this out to our staff

      • Thoughts on setting up an SC channel in Slack and managing it that way?

      • Sign up in an open google doc makes sense

      • Who can assist Megan with this if needed?

        • sounding board, reviewing copy, etc.

  • Booth Events

    • Need representatives from each service area to join a brainstorming session

      • Names -

        • Alana, Ken Hackworth, Bob, Dina, Leslie F.

      • Dina will send Doodle poll for dates



  • LinkedIn presence discussion. Plans for that?

    • Deems has posted, Alana has boosted

      • Andrew thinks it might be a good idea to supplement what we do on Facebook which is waning




 Action items

@Dina Meek to find out who will fund printing of materials? Also reach out to Leslie F. re: Operations copy??
@Dina Meek will bring the call for volunteers (also getting a staff email list together) to the EC;
@Alana.Romanella to find out if Support feels like the time is right for a “Breakfast with Champions” event, given we provide limited support now to that group.
