2022-08-11 Meeting notes


Aug 3, 2022


  • @Dina Meek

  • @Stephen Deems @Bob DeLeon @Alana.Romanella @Megan Janeski @Hannah Naughton @Cynthia Dillon (Unlicensed) @Cindy Wong Megan Johnson


  • Review Communications Plan

  • Start activating team members on particular assignments

    • Hannah - Newsletters

      • Naming

      • Strategy

      • How this will transfer

    • Megan Johnson and Cynthia - Science stories for web

 Discussion topics










  • What are the top questions visitors to the ACCESS site would have? (note: this is an EARLY wireframe - only pay attention to the big blocks)

    • Where do I start? (links to Allocations page)

    • What do some of the terms mean i.e., Innovative Pilots, Service Models?

    • Primary stakeholder - research community

      • Grad students needing to figure out how to get started

      • What resources are available to me and how do I find that

      • Are you doing any science in my field (success stories)

      • How do I put in an allocation request?

      • Look at XSEDE homepage to determine some of top questions

      • What trainings are available?

        • Possibly training roadmaps

    • CONECT’s primary stakeholders are the resource providers and prospective RPs:

      • What do we need to do to be integrated into the ACCESS ecosystem? (RP Integration roadmaps provide this answer)

      • What does it mean to be an ACCESS RP, what are the benefits to my institution?

Dina Meek

 Action items

@Stephen Deems@Bob DeLeon@Leslie Froeschl@Alana.Romanella Please enter in the Notes section in the table, the top question someone who comes to the access-ci.org site will have who is looking for your services. Please complete by our next meeting - thanks!
