2022-09-29 Meeting notes
Sep 29, 2022
@Dina Meek @Cindy Wong @Megan Johnson Andrew Helregel, @Alana.Romanella @Hannah Naughton @Leslie Froeschl
Discover how people can get involved in ACCESS
Something Tom G brings up often
Allocations - reviewers (they have 46 people express their interest - Allocations needs to train them now) - they can still use more people! (particularly want more diverse representation)
grad students can be PIs - get an allocation (important to push at SC)
Metrics - XDmod is open source so developers can get involved
looking for 3rd party developers to contribute new features to XDmod
Get in touch with us for more info about XDmoD
Operations - as a resource provider; also student training program (STEP - that’s not quite ready yet)
Support - not at the moment; eventually though; pilots will be getting set up for students, faculty, staff, end of Nov/early Nov.
How can we guide people via the website?
Set expectation of feeding stories from each service area/track (1x/mos)
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
SC | Andrew Helregel/Megan Janeski |
Dina Meek/Megan Johnson |
| |
| Andrew | Social Media update |
| Cynthia/Meggie | Web stories update
| Hannah | Newsletter update
Action items
- Each service area/track representative will provide a lead to a story during this meeting the first week of each month - just a lead; Megan and Hannah can utilize for website and newsletters