2025-3-5 Meeting Notes

2025-3-5 Meeting Notes


Mar 5, 2025

 Participants - Roll Call

@Dina Meek @Greg Dean @Christine Golus @lissie @John-Paul Navarro Matt Yoder Rebecca Eveland @Holly Klinesmith (Shephard) @Dinuka De Silva

Important Links

PY2 Plan

Web Decision Tracker

Dina/Lissie/ Christine


User Testing

Allocation items






































From 2/26 Meeting:

Reviewing steps

Starting with Navigation and items that affect us all


Rebecca shared that the Allocations recommendations were shared with their team and anything that was language or documentation oriented, have been assigned.

Discussed how to give people next steps once they sign up

Allocations is updating their credit exchange calculator.

Explained credits are exchanged for units (GPUnit, CPUnit, storage units)

Discussed recommendations with his team.

They will talk to other sites to figure out where we can add links; possibly add links to any email allocations sends out as well.

They may make the user manual easier to see.

Likely won’t address the issue of looking at Metrics info on phones as most access the site via desktops.


How to get started - Ops is making some updates that may mean we need to update the RP landing page anyway.

Dina to invite Esen (egokpina@iu.edu) to our next team meeting to address some of the other changes.


Discussed potential updates to the nav, such as dropdowns; Holly mentioned needing somewhere for Cybersecurity to be accesses from.

  • Christine to add Cybersecurity link to the About page links

JP: Who (Matt Y?) will report on what accessibility was built into the shared elements? Each team may not know what was built into some of these shared elements.

From 2/26 Meeting:

Dina/Christine/Lissie present our Recommendations doc:

**Need to decide on any major PY4 plans ASAP

  • We’ll start off with items that affect us all

  • The updates we recently did are helping

  • People are seeing this as a unified ecosystem

  • CI Community - want to be careful not to use acronyms some may not be familiar with

  • Might want to further explain on the RP landing page who all is an RP (JP can help with this)

  • Possibly add the universal nav in the footer to help people navigate from there

  • possibly a system status badge that’s color coded based on if all systems are up or not (orange if something is down)

  • Should we make navigation on all sites match (for ex. the subnavigation on some sites) - might be good for PY4

    • possibly utilize megamenus that open when you roll over the top nav items

  • Possibly link to the Cybersecurity page from the main About page

  • Possibly add more visible links to the video learning library (links from Support now) on other pages as appropriate

  • Dina to set up meetings weekly through 3/26 to go through the rest of the doc

  • Everyone go through your team's list and add comments about what you accept and will just do and what needs more discussion (including what tasks might be involved)


Accessibility - hold

Capture and promote all the ways we are improving the website this year - Accessibility (from the June Quarterly Meeting)

  • Best way to accomplish? Shared document?

JP: Ops has only done what we’ve all done, ie updated nave, things updated in GitHub for accessibilities

Rebecca: sounds like a shared document is a good direction; we should discuss a more formalized process going forward

Dina: From the beginning of 2024

Holly: need more clarification about the intention of this ask

Dina to build a doc in Confluence for all to add to

Dina to determine due date


Analytics - hold

What do we want to track?

  • we need to start with a baseline

  • Maybe we come up with 10 things we want to track globally

  • Need to track landing pages - how are they finding them and where are they going from those pages

MY: base these on what comes out of our recommendations following user testing;

GD: what pages are the most popular across sites as well as what’s most popular by website

Where are people coming from to get to those pages

What’s the most popular referring

LF: How are people using the resource catalog; also reviewing search term use and chatbot use

HK: Any upticks based on events (such as semesters starting)

Also - getting to Operations from our current navigation is challenging; cybersecurity is also harder to find


Alert across all sites - hold

There’s not a quick way to do this; is this something we should consider going forward?

MY: we should plan on any major nav/header updates all at once

Review Decision Tracker

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