2022-08-25 Meeting notes


Aug 25, 2022


  • @Dina Meek@Cynthia Dillon (Unlicensed) @Andrew Helregel @Hannah Naughton @Alana.Romanella @Bob DeLeon @Megan Janeski @Cindy Wong


  • Confirm development of templates to produce materials for SC booth

  • Determine if we want to develop any special programming for the booth, catering, etc.

 Discussion topics







News Item Reviews

Dina Meek

  • We need each service area/track to identify either a PI or Co-PI to review news stories

    • We will try to match stories with appropriate reviewers (according to service area expertise) but could also step in as needed for other reviews

    • ACO -

    • Allocations - Stephen Deems

    • Support -

    • Operations -

    • Metrics - Robert Deleon

Comms Plan Update

Dina Meek

  • Has been reviewed by PIs and Tom Gulbranson (ACCESS NSF Program Director)

  • Dina to clean up and confer with Cynthia on any decisions needing to be made (or can bring back to the group as necessary

Newsletters Update

Hannah Remmert

Social Media Update

Andrew Helregel

  • Executing on start-up plan

  • Megan Janeski provided assets for accounts

  • Handles will be ACCESShpc

    • per Robert “HPC” doesn’t include cyberinfrastructure or cloud

    • we could use ACCESS_ci but underscores are often difficult to see, people read as spaces

    • if we have issues using “hpc” - which is still widely used in our field - we can change it

Website Update

Dina Meek

  • News/Science Stories in development with Cynthia and Megan Johnson



Attending: Dina, Andrew, Cynthia (maybe), Megan J (maybe), Cindy Wong, (track 4 will not attend),

SC Print Materials


  • Swag - should have stickers with ACCESS logo/tagline

    • Megan Janeski is working on

SC booth events


  • SDSC will have booth events; materials, videos (for ex.)

  • Megan Janeski - we’ve done coffee hours, catering for XSEDE in the past; food is always good for traffic

  • Hannah - breakfast for Champions - very good turnout - for XSEDE

 Action items

@Dina Meek Create charter for group
@Dina Meek Create Style Guide
@Megan Janeski re: SC materials - bring back to NCSA team to determine whether template or style guide w/assets such as logo makes the most sense; report at next meeting
@Alana.Romanella@Stephen Deems@Leslie Froeschl@Bob DeLeon please determine what resources your service area/track has for producing print materials; report at next meeting
@Dina Meek work with @Ron Payne on SC budget to determine catering, events, etc.



  1. We will go with “ACCESShpc” as our social media handle