2025-01-14 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary
RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella, Jim Griffioen
CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl
MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
RP: Jeremy Fischer (v)
EAB: Chuck Pavloski
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Amit Majumdar , Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley
NSF: Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore
Guest Speaker: Dina Meek
(v) indicates a voting member
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro - Tool (under Insert Elements in the tool bar)
Parking Lot
Add Shannon to the agenda to discuss Team Science information
Send Black out dates for the Annual Review to NSF - (Sharon)
From each team - by end of week - in an email is ok
April 1 to Mid June - day and a half review (prefer half day in the morning)
Decision for authorization to spend is make from the Annual Report (Q4) - not the reviews
Earlier is beneficial because then we can correct earlier if needed - get info from review panels
Reviewers will have seen much of what we have already sent - it should not take us 3 months to prepare - put in highlights
Try to think about the combined presentation again - Annual Review - Coordination for group slide deck was done by PIs last year - should happen the same this year
Review Team - is not clear to them about which team is responsible for what things - comments at time of group slide deck - so something to help them sort who coordinates what - maybe color coding / icon to make things clearer
Cannot send dates that would mean convening a panel in less than 30 days
Communications SC and PEARC25 planning @Dina Meek (15 mins)
PPT overview: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Ocm6BDfkolJN2JhMe2Gf68pFBDz2Zg59P-Bg784bjqc/edit#slide=id.p1
PEARC 25 - possibility of ACCESS group meeting - users + RPs + Champions
ask PEARC committee for demographics so we know who to target
Light Sub Committee is recommended to plan for conferences - focus on PEARC and SC
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @Stephen Deems (5 mins)
Working Group and Standing Committees Organizational Updates - @Chuck P
Start scheduling for future EC meetings
Planning in progress - will have a rotating schedule
First set of invitations are out
Don’t forget Ticketing Group - this is important to RPs - might have this present earlier
Wants from the EC
current information - how long? 3 to 4 slides -
1st slide is what since seen last
2nd slide - what is coming up
slides 3 & 4 challenges and questions / feedback for the EC
No longer than 10 / 15 mins - should take a few minutes to prepare
Agenda Planning for March Quarterly Meeting
what the EC would like to see on the March quarterly agenda
call already went out to staff
have joint slides ready by this time
Lisa - plans to make a presentation to whole team about her research from Pittsburgh
EAB meeting the day before - will be presenting highlights from last year and priorities for next year
Will there be analytics around personas?
Time for report from each working group?
Program wide metrics
Program Goals
at RP meeting (Boston) - Operations slide - goals and how they relate to over all goals from program
(the slide that Puri referenced good be a good template for our annual review slidedeck)
San Diego PI Meeting for ACCESS - each team showed how many FTEs are total for each track/team - would be nice to show again
Setting dates for September in-person Quarterly Meeting @Tom Furlani (5 mins)
Make sure teams can contribute
Looking at after Labor Day - select 2 or 3 weeks as possibility - have to provide to hotels and
weeks of 8th or 22nd of September
Tim can’t do week of 15th
Make sure to look at religious events at that time - September 23-24 – Jewish: Rosh Hashanah
Make sure of date for AI Institutes meeting as well - may be in October
EC Program Milestones @Stephen Deems (10 mins)
Teams can consider removing/closing those that are better-suited for other times/places to track
Quarterly and Annual Meetings To Do Follow Ups
Informational Items (10 mins)
RP Forum @Jeremy Fischer
we will be voting for RP Chair co-chair starting later this week for ~2 week period.
Allocations Stephen Deems
I've reached out to all ACCESS PIs/EC delegates and the RP Forum Chair regarding scheduling a meeting to gather their constructive feedback for how to improve the EC and associated meetings.
Many thanks to those who have responded, scheduled, and even carried out their session with me.
Finishing up development on the Variable Marketplace innovative pilot. Will be presenting to and working with RPs prior to Beta launch.
Office Hours (“No-Cost Access to National Advanced Computing Resources”) begin this Friday to detail information on ACCESS, NAIRR Pilot, and CloudBank resources
Initially promoting and targeting the AI Institutes as the first audience
Planning to merge/join forces with Layla Freeborn/SCIPE efforts in the near future while we better refine the scope of the efforts
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana/Jim
AI workshop planning - 476 applications for the workshop - announced last Tuesday
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
No updates
MMS Tom Furlani/Joe
Need to settle on a date for the fall in person Quarterly meeting as soon as possible
circulate to wider teams before selecting
EAB @Chuck P
all EAB nominees have accepted positions
all EC members are available for orientation for Jan 31st date. Next step is to reach out to the EAB members.
this will be recorded for EAB members that cannot attend
need to start setting up logistics for in-person EAB meeting in conjunction with ACCESS quarterly meeting in March
OpenCI John Towns
No updates
NSF Sharon and Puri
No updates
Misc Topics:
Think about what we should be presenting in Rosemont
Next EC Meeting:
January 21, 2025
Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board
Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board