2024-07-02 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-07-02 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • RP: Jeremy Fischer

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

(v) indicates a voting member














Stephen Deems













David Hart













Shelley Knuth













Alana Romanella













Tim Boerner













Tom Furlani













Joe White













Jeremy Fischer













John Towns













Shawn Strande













Leslie Froeschl













Lavanya Podilla













Lisa Kaczmarczyk












Shannon Bradley













Tom Guilbransen













Sharon Geva













Decisions made during the meeting:

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Guest - Ag Ameko

  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 2024-06-18 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  2. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

  3. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RP Forum @Jeremy Fischer

      1. Ops provided an emergency update on the ticketing system - many are concerned about what will happen from the RP side - please communicate often on this issue - communicating cannot be done enough

      2. Background - Attlassian is changing their licensing model for automations - putting a limit on the number of automation runs before you have to move to a more expensive level of program

      3. RPs asked Jeremy if we could just move back to Request Tracker - which was used in XSEDE - would need to involve support - be aware we will hear about this

      4. Tim says changing is not in the plan - the process would be very complicated

      5. Sharon - there is also the NAIR tie in - Leslie says be aware the funding is not what was expected

    2. Allocations Stephen Deems - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HYtJOSb3kkeLBGAXnAeLWSz1bXFvjUoWhrmMy0v76dM/edit#slide=id.g2e8ebe4a6da_0_34 (slides and notes)

      1. “Resources” meeting took place last Friday, June 28 (with all ACCESS teams represented) to discuss consolidation and coordination of: 1. Resource Catalog/Discovery utility, 2. Resource Advisor utilities, 3. Software Discovery utilities, 4. Data sources

        1. Some progress was made on #1:

          1. ACCESS would have one external-facing place to discover the available resources

            1. and one (non-public) area for RPs to enter their information

        2. Engaging discussion on #3

          1. Two distinct efforts exist here in Support + Operations and the philosophies differ drastically

            1. Needs more discussion/exploration and engagement with RPs

        3. The group did not have time to discuss #2 and #4 in the initial meeting. Another meeting will be scheduled after the holiday.

      2. Innovative Pilots approaching planning for “Beta” phase (target: fall 2024). - very close

        1. Variable Marketplace

          1. Close to reaching out to partners/RPs for input on additional tweaks before starting the planning process for what Beta rollout will look like.

        2. OnRamps

          1. Close to completion of the various building blocks required to build an OnRamp widget.

      3. Jeremy - RPs would like to contribute to this - has there been a focus group of novice users vs expert users so we can determine how we can help people find what they are looking for

        1. Alana came and talked with and engaged with the forum - that was helpful, it was not just a presentation and slides. Alana’s efforts were more engaging and helpful - perhaps this type of interaction would be the best going forward

      4. Sharon/Tom - the need for this was, in spirit, part of the original proposal, and was discussed as a deliverable for last year. Considering we are a year past now, doing what we can with what we have needs to be focused on and moved forward - XDMOD has data that would be important for incorporating in this - don’t eat the elephant at once - XDMOD might be harder to insert later - if you can’t do it now - you should stub it in so it is easier in the future

      5. Stephen - hesitant to say what is next - needs input from RPs

    3. MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana

      1. Moving forward with RP workshop planning - have spoken with all the RPs except for TACC

      2. Have met 1-on-1 and will be creating the agenda for their full meeting based on feedback

      3. If you have not relayed who is going - please be sure to tell Shelly - rooms are being booked

      4. Hosting a DEI workshop last week of October in Boulder - want to ask community what kinds of topics would they like to see

        1. Tom - who do you hope the primary attendees will be? what are you trying to achieve? all types of attendees are welcome

        2. Difference between folks who can describe the issue and what needs to change vs those who have pulled it off and made it succeed - which efforts have worked and where

        3. Shelley - want to keep it open and build on trust building

        4. NSF is welcome to attend

    4. CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie

      1. challenges with automation software (Atlassian)

      2. Leslie circulated the info on DEI - Ag will be in meeting next week to review

        1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NDQ_pAbLJ6SLU5HvrxeEzGgwAj-7qj8WKOgq49GSQ8E/edit#heading=h.pkgjlysee0tv

    5. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. Began collaboration with Support’s AI Chatbot team. Providing feeds to XDMoD usage data to inform ML model

      2. Collaboration with economists from Harvard to provide data in support of their study of Allocation’s Market Place model. Using Nikolay’s Slurm simulator to study “what if” type scenarios.

      3. Joe White providing metrics in support of OAC request

      4. Stampede 3 is up - see pink line - and impact it has made on credit usage

      5. image-20240702-184705.png

    6. OpenCI John Towns - absent

Misc Topics:


Parking Lot



Next EC Meeting: 9th July 2024


Action Tracker:


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Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board

Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board

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