2023-08-08 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

  • Guest Speaker:

(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Working Group Updates (5 mins)

    1. No working group update scheduled

    2. Update on Working Group/Standing Committee process and next steps (@Shawn Strande)

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings (@Shawn Strande) (5 mins)

    1. 1 August 2023 EC Summary

  3. Program Milestone Check (@Shawn Strande) (10 mins)

    1. Action item for the awardees to update their program milestones and add new items - this list looks like it is not comprehensive

    2. Reminder:Do not edit "Dashboard" tab, please edit "ACCESS program milestones" tab as needed

    3. S Deems - working on website update - close to a demo - final date may be pushed out a month

  4. Reminder of key document reviews (@Shawn Strande) (5 mins)

    1. Program wide goals. Input is due by 8/14, per John’s e-mail. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i1FB3SVye7hb53fEXj8qfR8dGR71ZwhYNvwPEtTj1jM/edit

    2. CPO review observations. Please get any comments in this week so John can wrap up next week https://docs.google.com/document/d/1py0f9QTtgVxQKJs9i695cNTxgRmlDNJETxkoCdpPKyQ/edit#heading=h.l9x9cr96uhbz

      1. Allocations has finalized their observations

  5. Community engagement events status (@Shawn Strande) (5 mins)

    1. Several upcoming events. E.g,. Tapia and Grace Hopper are next month, do we need a discussion on plans and expected outcomes from these?

      1. Alana - team was tasks to create a list of conferences that would be important - but so far no one is attending Tapia or Grace Hopper - who is funded to attend the conferences? Who can attend more than 2 or 3 conference a year.

        1. was budgeted for Ag to attend

          1. Ag will be attending the Tapia Conference but will not be attending Grace Hopper. He is not aware of anyone else attending either

        2. Support feels that these conferences are very important for our DEIA plans. We should take some time to focus on ROI (Return on Investment) and future plan for BOF/exhibits/etc.

    2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_EXKUOXmY-TVkDWaHR1-SuiKt404uGEnGSr6uQCkwzw/edit#gid=0

    3. need someone to keep this up to date - is this the engagement team? is there a single person?

    4. Could this be connected to metrics - we need to decide why we go - are we going to spread the word? should there be an expectation of engagement at the meetings?

      1. should we be exhibiting?

      2. Alana can work with Jay and engagement team to work on ROI for attendance

  6. Location of next Dec meeting (@Shawn Strande (5 mins)

    1. San Diego has been proposed. What would the EC like to see in order to close this? Can we vote next week?

    2. Possibly Pittsburgh next summer?

  7. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS @David Hart @Stephen Deems

      1. Charge to Establish ACCESS DEI Working Group was sent out yesterday

        1. Thanks to all who have already jumped into action. To anyone interested please fill out the When2Meet poll.

          1. Have representation from all awardees except for ACO.

      2. RPs have been asked for their feedback on a Resource Catalog Filter (demo site).

        1. Recommendations for specific filter criteria are warmly welcomed.

      3. Continued conversations with Harvard Business School

        1. They’re deep in the data within XDMoD and may have some additional questions for Allocation/Metrics.

      4. A total of 59 proposals have been submitted to the upcoming AARC allocations review meeting

        1. Previous quarters: June (56); March (32).

      5. Exploring potential mechanisms to accommodate long-running NSF investments in the allocations in a more consistent and formal manner

        1. Big thanks to our collaborator @Shawn Strande for interfacing with stakeholders on feedback and input to consider prior to engaging more formally with NSF, RPs, and others.

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth @Alana.Romanella

      1. Working on starting up a personas “workflow” with our portal team

      2. Matching our pilot 6 projects for MatchPlus - would like to work a bit closer with Allocations moving forward

      3. Looking into a revamp around MatchPremier

    3. CONECT @Tim Boerner @Leslie Froeschl

      1. Chatbot integrated into Operations site. Still in draft form. Will soon offer option to other tracks to integrate it.

        1. https://operations.access-ci.org

        2. If it turns out that this does not perform in the manner needed/anticipated - there is another solution from NCSA: https://ai.ncsa.illinois.edu/news-events/2023/08/caii-team-builds-an-ai-powered-teaching-assistance-chatbot/

      2. Ops leadership team meeting in Rosemont Aug 21-23 for a planning meeting. Note that Ops will not have representation at the Aug 22 EC meeting.

      3. Ops would like to propose adding 2 additional RP reps (elected by the RP Forum) to the EAB to ensure broader representation from RPs in providing program-wide feedback. (RP - Resource Provider)

      4. We have an opportunity to contract with a consultant to provide a half day (~4-5 hour) DEI workshop. This consultant delivered this workshop to the ICICLE project (~100 participants), and it was well-received. Objectives including open sharing about issues and walking away with a specific action plan. Cost is $10-15K depending on a few factors. Recommendation is to do this in-person adjacent to one of our in-person meetings with the option for team members not attending in-person to participate remotely. Are folks interested in pursuing this? Possibly sharing cost across awards? Thoughts?

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani @Joseph White

      1. Open XDMoD 10.0.3 released (contains a security update - please update now!)

    5. OpenCI (@Shawn Strande)

      1. Following creation of EAB e-mail list, have reached out on naming a Chair & Co-Chair per the EAB Charter

      2. Meeting with Evaluation Working group points of contact this Thursday (per last week’s EC meeting discussion)

Misc Topics

Reference: EC Backlog & Action Items

Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board - is each team using this? have they had meetings?

Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board

Next EC Meeting: 15th August 2023

To Do

Risk register is not calculating the priorities - logic needs updated - @Shannon Bradley - ask Ron if there is a priority calculator - (https://support.atlassian.com/jira-service-management-cloud/docs/how-do-i-create-a-matrix-using-impact-and-urgency-values/ )
@Shannon Bradley - how to structure risk reviews and how people keep them updated - https://hyperproof.io/resource/the-ultimate-guide-to-risk-prioritization/