2023-09-26 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary
RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart, Laura Herriott
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella
CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl
MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley
NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva
Guest Speaker: NA
(v) indicates a voting member
Decisions made during the meeting:
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Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings @John Towns (5 mins)
12 September 2023 EC Summary (no changes)
Program Milestone Check @John Towns (15 mins)
Action item for the awardees to update their program milestones
no additional comments or updates
Reminder: Do not edit "Dashboard" tab, please edit "ACCESS program milestones" tab as needed
Expectation to have milestones completed and updated
Presentation on data related to the NSF AI Institutes and their CI resource needs (15 mins)- @Stephen Deems
Data related to AI Institutes needs assessment (2022) In preparation for AI Institutes leadership meeting (SAIL) in late October
A survey was sent out to the original 8 institutes but now there ae 25
Purpose is to bring info to the EC and maybe assist the AI institutes in some ways
Bunch of data and reports and resources available to the A institutes which were not available to the initial AI institutes,
Survey focused the questions mentione din Stephen's presentation
In terms of what major resources they use - dept computing resporces, cloud resources, data centers
Set up visaulaization on top of the data and we love more resources,
Concerns about dedicated cloud support either through NSF resources or like Jetstream
Some AI institutes want to buy more hardware and want some flexible resources
For 7 institutes, they need 2.25 million GPU hours and in terms of storage - 3.25 petabytes but there are currently 25 institutes
A lot of emphasis is on the deadlines of the conferences to ensure resources are available when an award comes in.
Lot of feedback on what allocations processes would be helpful.
Standard SW needs - AI/ML related needs
More CI resources for longer times, dedicated staff,
Expressed need for dedicated personnel like librarians, etc
What are resources available on ACCESS? What changed from Frontera and XSEDE in terms of the allocations process.
There's a month left till the SAIL meeting.
Questions and feedback - don’t know the background, how are they organized? They all similar or different?
Allocations perspective, how will we track them. Multiple institutions, having them fit the current paradigm or have an AI institute opportunity to track them
Mainly leadership. We're going to prod for similar questions
Various teams involved in AI institutes - all of them got funded, but no resources available. there are many AI needs but no resources available.
Stephen trying to figure out the resources available but will have to figure out a way/have conversations at the NSF level
Need for support for cloud resources, some play for cloud bank? Shawn mentions that awards made on cloud bank, are mostly AI related. They don’t do a lot of domain work, cloud bank is partly seen as a resource.
Based on the discussions John had, they might need some research facilitation, since they might not know their research needs
Alana mentions that they meet with a group where Tom and Sharon are involved in, they meet monthly to discuss and understand their research needs? MATCH plus and MATCH Premier. Its going more and more pertinent. Tom Maiden is also involved if we need to bring in RPs. Tom is also involved in going to the RPs and asking them about their AI/ML needs and based on that, refining our presentations.
Planning for December EC&EAB Meeting (15 mins) @John Towns
What should be the content for the EC meeting?
Attendees: Apart from the EC, are there any team leads that need to be invited?
Make sure to understand the topics that are going to be covered
Potential for one or two specific team leads depending on the topics
Potential topics:
Status of the evaluation?
Where we are at with the DEI efforts? Go over the plan in December? Initial schedule of the DEI plan was to have something by SC so we might have a plan by December
Personas - maybe have a discussion about this? Alana mentions that no major progress made here. Internally, working on personas. But not a program wide discussion yet. The discussion will be had once Shelley is back next week
Continuing on the broadening participation session, we can continue to have something along those lines - looking at our user communities, and. How to expand that.
Making some decisions on priorities - be it goals, outreach, communication, personas etc
Maybe by next week we can have more data on additional agenda topics from the quarterly meeting feedback
Apart from EC, we want Laura Herriott to be there.
Decision process regarding SC24 presence (15 mins) @John Towns
Comms team was tasked with doing assessment and come up with some recommendations after the quarterly meeting
But with the current plannings for SC 23 and time constraints, suggestion that we should go ahead with space planning for SC 24 and then assess the recommendations
EC agrees to Defer the decision till the Comms team can come with recommendations till maybe March 2024
Will have more data as well from badge scanners that will be employed this year at the booth
Potential government shutdown (10 mins) @John Towns
Is there anything we need to do in preparation?
No major discussions here since NSF not present
Cancel next week's EC meeting since many EC members will be at the CASC meeting
Informational Items (10 mins)
Allocations Stephen Deems
Requests for “Courtesy Reviewers” are being fielded from the Campus Champions
thanks again to Alana for all the support
SGX3 now requestable through Allocations project types
DEI WG invite being sent out by Ag
Meeting this Thursday, September 28 @ 4PM ET
Tough scheduling with CASC next week
Reporters from CNBC reached out to the ACCESS ticket system after seeing the NYTimes piece
Had an initial call about Who, What, Where, When, Why re: ACCESS
They’re interested in startups/small businesses leveraging GPU cards that are increasingly difficult to get a hold of
Hammered-home the notion that this is not our target audience, but they are eligible
Communications team chartering WG
Stephen will be EC Sponsor + Co-chair
May make potential alterations once new Comms person is onboarded
Laura Herriott - Researcher Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting scheduled for October 23, 2023
Contact Laura if you have agenda topics you’d like to cover to get researcher feedback and perspectives
Laura, Alana, Dave Wheeler, Tom F., and Shawn. represent the tracks
ACCESS-wide feedback mechanism
During the virtual quarterly, the outcome of the conversation about allocations feedback was to implement ACCESS-wide feedback through Jira
Shawn would like to loop in the Evaluation working group and will let Laura know if there are any objections
The RAC Meeting has been added to the engagement tracker
MATCH Shelley Knuth
Support has reps at the CC* and CI/SCIPE meetings
New website launched in two weeks
CONECT Tim Boerner
MMS Tom Furlani
Campus Champions presentation last week was a success - seen uptick in Campus Champions using XDMoD
had two XDMoD outages last week - 2 hours on Monday and Friday am. (multiple different causes).
OpenCI John Towns
ACO mid-year review on Nov 9. Preparations beginning
Preparations for December EAB and Leadership meetings under way
Evaluation Working Group getting under way
Finalizing charter and plan for Community Building & Engagement WG; will need EC Sponsor
Continued prep for SC23
Videos, Highlights book, Comms plan management
Kim Bruch at Grace Hopper this week
Misc Topics:
Parking Lot
Next EC Meeting: 10th October 2023
3rd October 2023 (Canceled due to CASC Meeting)
Action Tracker:
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