2023-04-04 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-04-04 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen

  • Guest Speaker: @John-Paul Navarro @Tolbert, Nathan L

(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Roadmaps Working Group Updates @John-Paul Navarro @Tolbert, Nathan L (20 mins)

    1. Releasing updated roadmaps next week as per feedback received from RP’s

    2. ACCESS allocated compute/storage/cloud resources version 2 will be released next week

    3. **New roadmaps for Science gateways** -

      1. Roughly 30-40 science gateways that were previously integrated into XSEDE have reviewed it. XSEDE gateways were given first opportunity

      2. Intent is to reach out to other channels, that are not part of gateways that can become part of ACCESS

    4. Process improvements -  

      1. Migrating google docs to Github, setting up the process, the link is active

      2. Improved RP integration progress tracking using GitHub (pilot project)

      3. Planning protocol for change management - here is a change management process already in place via ACO. JP and Nathan to follow up with Ron take a look at a look at existing processes to leverage work that’s already been done.

    5. Storage focused working group

      1. John/Shawn are working on establishing a structured and formal process for WG’s and standing committees with feedback from EC

      2. Tom G discussed interplay between WG and what needs to be done,

        Here's the requirements and expectations that can be brought to the EC meeting for prioritization.

      3. Shawn gives an overview of differences between WG and standing committee

      4. Storage Futures WG - Working group charter is drafted, Lee Liming is the main representative will be invited to a future EC meeting to present the charter to the EC.

    6. Questions for the Roadmaps WG:

      1. How are things going as a working group?
        Functionally well, they know what they need to do, its been fairly straightforward for the past couple months.

      2. How do you feel about your interactions with the EC? Any EC guidance?
        A month ago Allocations and Support met to discuss what individual proposals have for Y2 and see what are the commonalities for the Roadmaps WG

        The commonalities and priorities are being drafted and then will be brought to the EC for input.

      3. Is this a standing committee?
        Roadmaps is a standing committee and not a working group.

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 21 March 2023 EC Summary (approved)

  3. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Action item for the awardees to update their program milestones

    2. Reminder:
      Do not edit "Dashboard" tab

      Please edit "ACCESS program milestones" tab as needed

  4. Discussion of cross-team processes and interactions (Training videos as example) @John Towns (20 mins)

    1. When content is to be posted, what are expectations and approaches of each team?

    2. How do we align them without inducing significant overhead?

    3. Situation - Many email threads regarding training videos about “how to get started with ACCESS.” This exposed the fact that awardees have differing approaches to various efforts that are not aligned. This is not surprising given the award process and structure. We do need to address such issues, however.

    4. Discussion regarding this particular issue and any future issues that might arise

    5. Discussion regarding striking a balance so that teams don’t feel stifled about “always check first” approaches versus the need to move forward quickly.

    6. In this specific scenario - no missed opportunities

    7. Discussion about the need for a WG - no specific WG needs to be created at this time

    8. Final decision -

      Communications to draft up a brief document that sets expectations; what is expected of content creators and what is expected of the ACO.

      John to come back and remind people to update milestones


  5. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS @David Hart @Stephen Deems

      1. ACCESS awardees and/or RPs may be interested in some metrics included in RAMPS annual report:

        1. Diversity (institutional; race; gender); inclusion index; allocations success rate; FoS; credits awarded/exchanged/used; allocations by resource; publications, etc.

        2. If interested, please contact Dave.

      2. How to Write a Successful "Maximize" ACCESS Allocations Request Webinar

        1. Today @ 3 PM ET. Link to Registration.

      3. Annual Review

        1. April 13/14.

      4. ORCID Integration Completed (for next Support, ACO newsletters, please!)

        1. (Login) → My ACCESS → ORCID Integration (currently only on Allocations site)

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth

      1. Carefully watching and actively taking input around the ECSS/CaRCC/CC threads.

      2. Submitted Annual Report last night

      3. Annual Review

        1. April 11/12

    3. CONECT @Tim Boerner

      1. Alex Withers is leaving NCSA effective tomorrow. Derek Simmel is stepping in as interim cybersecurity team lead until a permanent replacement for Alex is identified.

      2. New RP integration roadmap documentation will be released ~April 10: https://readthedocs.access-ci.org/projects/integration-roadmaps/

      3. Lee Liming posted a call in Slack for participation in a new Storage Futures WG. See the Slack message for details and consider participating if you’re interested!

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani

      1. No specific trends notices, similar to past months

    5. OpenCI @John Towns

      1. A new ACCESS Mail Lists page has been added to the ACCESS Program-Level Pages/ACCESS Program Organization section.

      2. Jira Issues Assigned to You on the ACP Homepage ACCESS Collaboration Portal homepage

Misc Topics

  1. Tom G available to help with any questions awardees might have as we approach annual reviews.


Reference: EC Backlog & Action Items

Next EC Meeting: 11th April 2023




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