2023-08-22 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-08-22 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

(v) indicates a voting member


  1. No Working Group Updates

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 15 August 2023 EC Summary

  3. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Action item for the awardees to update their program milestones

    2. Reminder:Do not edit "Dashboard" tab, please edit "ACCESS program milestones" tab as needed

    3. Propose dividing milestones in sheet in a different manner?

    4. EC sponsor will keep the items updated

  4. Personas @Shelley Knuth (10 mins)

    1. I think we are going about the idea of personas all wrong, and would like to share some thoughts on why and how perhaps we could do it better. Also following up on Support leading a personas working group and soliciting people to join.

      1. we should have home page - and have a certain persona you have identified yourself as being - click thru roadmap - --- implementation of this will be difficult from a user perspective

      2. Grad Student + PI - atmospheric science + engineering --- can happen

      3. all roads lead to the same destination - everyone needs an allocation

      4. need to determine how to talk to general public and let this determine what we put on the website

      5. Talk to the communities we are welcoming in to determine what will help us understand them better

      6. then design front page from that information

      7. Personas should all be coordinated under what Shelley is doing

      8. request from web site to see which personas we are going to do

        1. John will check with Dina - not sure where requests are coming from

      9. single label for individual won’t work - it is much more nuanced

      10. we need to have a change in how we are representing ourselves to the community

      11. need 1 or 2 people from each track to participate in SC

        1. Dave Hart

        2. Jay Alameda

      12. Tom - maybe abandon what kind of person you are completely - and figure out what we need to ask to get to an allocation req, a help req, or a roadmap - since people end up at the same subset of targets - is a functional thing not a functionality

      13. Should Persona help navigate the website - or should it be bigger that the web site? Shelley believes it will end up being bigger

      14. Problem: what we are providing to existing communities is what we need AND if broadening participation is our goal - we should be providing what they need to bring them into the fold

        1. who do we want to be for which set of people?

      15. We need to have an interface

        1. someone new to needing research infrastructure

        2. someone who has been doing this for a while - fast path to get there

      16. MSCC - “research” needs are ranked lower in report - should we be thinking about education? skillsets for workforce development?


  5. EC to consider shifting the in-person meetings from June & December to September & March @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. The key points being:

      1. Both June and December already tend to be difficult/busy times for travel for people, so adding an in-person meeting is more challenging then than (some) other times;

      2. Many of us will already see each other in July (PEARC) and November (SC), so we see value in spreading out the in-person interactions across the year.

      3. If we make this change, we may need to consider moving the December in-person meeting to March due to funding and the project anniversary date. I’m not convinced skipping December is a good idea at this stage.

      4. That would mean two virtuals before we go in person again

      5. At this beginning of the project - in person is more critical

      6. What about NSF reviews

      7. Need to remember EAB meetings and how they can be co-located

      8. March also has a conflict with another meeting - CASC - casc.org

      9. March could be a long time away for a program wide meeting

      10. December meetings are just complicated

      11. If co-located at SC - could do it on Friday of that week

      12. What if we don’t have to adhere to a quarter boundary?

      13. We need to decide if we are going to be in person in December - that needs to be decided first

      14. If we did December - and then did a March September cadence - might just be easiest

      15. Given that there might be fewer who can attend in December - would there then be budget available for March

      16. December - in person EC and EAB meeting - more narrowed topics in San Diego - and then transition to the new schedule for teams in the next year

      17. Tom - likes proposal

      18. Probably won’t need to be so long - plan for 2 days with EC and EAB and a new more focused agenda

      19. Shawn - EAB will probably take 6 hrs total

      20. EC - Dec 5 for most of the day - EAB travel that day and do dinner

      21. EAB meet on Dec 6th

      22. Need to see how flights leave so they don’t have to stay another night

      23. Don’t want to travel on weekend

      24. Space - hold at SDSC

      25. Need to decide who to invite

        1. So just to be clear - are the invitees just two reps from each track (ie, the PI and the other person who attends the EC)?

        2. Probably depends on agenda and topics

  6. Determine next ACCESS in-person meeting location (5 mins) - see above

    1. This will be a combined ACCESS In-person meeting + EAB meeting

      1. (edit from Shawn: We agreed that the In-person meeting in December will be a leadership meeting, not program wide. So PIs/Co-PIs and whomever the PIs need at the meeting)

    2. Tentative Dates :4th December – 8th December (Tentative)

      1. 4th and 5th  December (ACCESS Quarterly Meeting)

      2. 6th and 7th December (EAB Meeting)

    3. Location - someplace warm? San Diego

  7. Program-wide Responses to Cognizant Program Officer Observations - Observation #1 @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Only one remaining item not resolved

    2. Difference of opinion on how to approach the response, including:

      1. focus on raising visibility to researchers and Resource Providers not involved with ACCESS

      2. need to focus on what we do since that seems to be poorly understood

    3. Mission and goals don’t convey what we want people to hear

    4. Internal and External cohesion

      1. when presenting about ACCESS - when do you speak for the whole of ACCESS vs speaking as a Project/Award

      2. Get out of habit of telling people what they need and start listening to what they need and provide and respond to that

        1. what do they want to achieve - what they tell you they need may not really be what they need to succeed - when you hear what they are trying to achieve it will lead to a better understand of what they need

  8. EAB meeting - during Virtual Meeting in Sept - last two hours of second day? - need to decide

    1. Shawn will think - possibly good idea to have them first - he will report back


  9. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations @Stephen Deems

      1. Resource Filters are now live on the Allocations site.

        1. Still working to update resources in CiDeR with appropriate tags.

      2. New website testing is underway!

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth


    3. CONECT @Tim Boerner

      1. CONECT team is in a planning retreat this week in world-famous Rosemont, IL so doesn’t have representation on today’s call. We will check notes after the meeting!

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani


    5. OpenCI @John Towns

      1. EAB members generally agree to name/elect a Chair and Co-Chair.

      2. NOAA request for ACCESS presentation at virtual September meeting. ACO can field this, but should we collectively route these to CB&E? https://www.noaa.gov/ai/events/5th-noaa-ai-workshop-2023

      3. Progress being made on Program-wide Goals; update coming in the next day or two.

Misc Topics: @Tom Gulbransen rotating EC moderation?

Reference: EC Backlog & Action Items or Executive Council Backlog Overview

Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board

Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board

Next EC Meeting: 29th August 2023




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