2023-05-19 Meeting notes


May 19, 2023

 Participants - Roll Call

  • @John-Paul Navarro Nathan Tolbert @Dina Meek @Dinuka De Silva @Conner Saeli Christine Golus @Julie Ma @Andrew Pasquale Emily Cedar










Top Navigation

  • Q to share updated layouts

  • Login - We want Login on all sites going to My ACCESS but need more discussion; need to collaborate on the code

  • mobile menu - open dropdowns by default


Resource Providers

  • Alpha order (at bottom)


  • Alpha order but with “login” at top and “logout” (once you are logged into MyACCESS) at the bottom

  • Everyone is ok with or w/o rules


  • Make them change to up/down; no animation


  • links are fixed so Matt can use a single cookie

Implementation -

  • Q will update the style guide; everyone implement individually, but let’s try to coordinate as best we can (within a few days of each other)



We need to address differences in footers

Group decided to move the NSF logo to the left of the block text

  • Q will add size/scale to the style guide

Q will update and load to GitHub


RP Page is live now





We need to decide where the Style Guide, etc. should live

Wiki? Google Drive? Git Hub?










Style Guide - buttons




ACCESS can own Github; Q can have access

Repo name: Web & Branding

Can include spec files, documentation files, code, etc.

Everyone needs to share GitHub ID with JP

It will be public read - only concern might be if there’s code


Q to expand Style Guide to show the various style of buttons in various sizes to give more options for the hierarchy on a page in terms of desired action




Review Decision Tracker

 Action items

Christine to work with @John-Paul Navarro on getting the GitHub repository set up

@Greg Dean to see if Google Analytics can run with Google Tag Manager for XDMoD

Q to mock up some new navigation layouts based on above conversation

Dina to share link to ACM’s Words Matter site with Jay Alameda’s team to add to Code of Conduct page

Q to update Style Guide with recommendations from JP (per above)



Team agreed Q could own and manage a GitHub repository as long as they continue to be working on our project.

Under Login - alpha order and change to:

  • register

  • questions

We like the word “Login” as opposed to an icon


  • Change icons to words

  • Leave the hamburger open