2022-09-20 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary
RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Dave Hudak
CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl
MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lavanya Podila,
NSF: Tom Gulbransen (NSF)
Guest Speaker:
Lisa Kaczmarczyk for external evaluation of ACO
(v) indicates a voting member
External Evaluator Responsibilities @Lisa Kaczmarczyk (10 minutes)
a. Evaluator of the ACO, Lisa will reach out at the end of the calendar year and early spring (end of year 1 for ACCESS) regarding feedback
Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings @John Towns (5 min)
13 September 2022 EC Summary (approved)
Informational Items (10 mins)
RAMPS @Stephen Deems
Notifications regarding proposal outcomes from August XRAC meeting were sent successfully. Working with groups who were denied to resubmit/re-align.
Yesterday’s “Welcome to ACCESS!” email took down allocations.access-ci.org for a few minutes
Over 14,000 hits came in; may not be purely related to # of HTTP requests
Development team suspects this was due to Microsoft Office 365 checking links for phishing attacks. No immediate action required. Will investigate when a future communication goes out. Thanks for Dina/Megan for the help with message.
MATCH @Shelley Knuth
CONECT @Tim Boerner
Finalizing a graphic for the STEP (student training program). Have decided to remove the word CONECT from the graphic to avoid confusion.
MMS @Tom Furlani
OpenCI @John Towns
I, along with Tom F. and Stephen, will be presenting to Campus Champions in the hour following this meeting.
Slack Communications with the community @Shelley Knuth (5 mins)
Discussion regarding purpose of each slack channel
@Shawn Strande to draft a version stating the definition, function and purpose of each slack channel, to be reviewed by @Tim Boerner and then present to the EC
EAB Charter Discussions @Shawn Strande (10 mins)
Metrics/Tracking mechanisms @Tom Gulbransen (10 mins)
Types of tracking which are not already a part of the established processes? For example, user support tracking
To be discussed, 2 weeks from today, (EC Meeting 4th October 2022)
Time permitting: EC Backlog Review: Update priority/items for next EC meeting @John Towns
Next EC Meeting: 27 September 2022