2022-07-12 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-07-12 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v)

RAMPS: Dave Hart,

John Towns

Tom Gulbransen


MATCH: John Goodhue, James Griffeon, Dave Hudak

Shawn Strande


CONECT: Amy Schuele (v)

CONECT: Winona Snapp-Childs, Derek Simmel, JP Navarro

Ron Payne


MMS: Tom Furlani (v)

MMS: Joe White, Matt Jones



(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Approval of 05 July 2022 Interim EC summary (5 min)

    1. deferred to 19 July 2022 Interim EC summary

  2. Thursday Morning PEARC Sync @John Towns (10min)

    1. Thursday morning breakfast is option but not urgent or required.

  3. ACCESS BoF Debrief & Thoughts

    1. General feeling is “as expected.

    2. Well attended

    3. My get questions from Ruth M after hearing the questions today. We have asked to get the questions in advance of the meeting next Tuesday.

    4. SSO has come up repeatedly. Info is on the wiki that may help, and is publicly accessible. Open On Demand will make it easier but may not cover all ssh functions.

    5. CONECT is looking to create and make available a set of best practices for ssh to help minimize impact be gap that exists. Newsletter is being created to go to RPs about the topic. Currently, going to SPF, Software WG. We need to identify other communities that need to see it.

    6. A lot of interest in MATCH tier 3 & 4. Wanted more info RCNs and training that ACCESS does not cover.

  4. General Feedback Communications

    1. Feedback inlets setup: RAMPS & MATCH

    2. Inquires: requesting XSEDE ticket queue for collecting inquires

    3. interim period: ticket system will remain open after 31-Aug for collecting feedback. Will transition to IU from TACC. Will have a simple webform that goes to the RT database (at IU).

    4. Feedback captured from RAMPS and MATCH can forward to RT, using different queues, for common storage point.

    5. Track 3 will field RP inquiries

    6. ACCESS.org can have a feedback input that goes to RT using a common queue.

    7. Working group active to collect and discuss long-term ticket tracking needs of all tracks.

    8. Next EC: Revisit the plan for feedback mechanisms (individual tracks / program-wide)

    9. John to start an email discussion on the topic by summarizing the problem.

  5. Website/Branding

    1. Meeting with Dina/Thu and Tracks 1 and 2. There is agreement on sitemap, domains, and navigation.

    2. Track 2 will not have web content outside the AMP portal. Recommendation is to link directly to the portal from the ACO sourced ACCESS landing page.

    3. Website Implementation WG: RAMPS (Nathan/Stephen), MATCH (Julie/Andrew), CONECT (Winona/JP), MMS (Greg Deem), ACO (Thu/Dina) ACO to setup the first meeting.

    4. Branding: Communicate to PIs (of PI rep) and discuss with PIs. Schedule meeting Fri/Mon. CONECT = Winona


Next EC Meeting: 19 July 2022


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