2022-10-04 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-10-04 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen (NSF)

  • Guest Speaker/Attendees:

    • Lizanne DeStefano on community survey

    • Alex Withers for Privacy Policy Topic

(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Community Survey @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed) (10 mins)

    1. Not covered, Lizanne not in attendance.

  2. Privacy Policy questions @Tom Furlani (10 mins)

    1. Should there be and ACCESS-wide privacy policy?

      1. Alex W’s suggestion is that there should be a Privacy Policy and it should be a single document with info from all areas/tracks.

      2. Most recent XSEDE Privacy Policy referenced

    2. What should be covered?

    3. Do we need ‘extra’ policies for user data collected via RPs etc

  3. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings @John Towns (5 min)

    1. 27 September 2022 EC summary (approved)

  4. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS @Stephen Deems

      1. NTR

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth

      1.  Shelley to be OOO for next weeks. Jim Griffion to have voting authority during her absence. It is unclear if Jim can join EC, If not Shelley will get a MATCH rep for the EC calls.

    3. CONECT @Tim Boerner

      1. CONECT’s student engagement & training program (STEP) team is kicking off planning this week. This program will provide students with training on high-value, marketable skills in the areas of operations, data & networking, and cybersecurity. Student recruitment efforts will soon begin!

      2. We experienced some purchasing issues with our Duo license (who was recently acquired by Cisco) . It has been resolved for PY1, but the cost is considerably higher than we had budgeted. The security team will be continuing discussions with Duo as well as looking at alternatives that would allow us to provide the necessary service at a more manageable cost.

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani

      1. NTR

    5. OpenCI @John Towns

      1. Cybersecurity Governance Council has an ACCESS Core Information Security Policy document needing review and ultimately a vote. Would like to put this up for vote next week. Please review this week.

  5. Metrics/Tracking mechanisms @Tom Gulbransen  (10 mins)

    1. Not covered, Tom not in attendance

  6. ACCESS Community Slack channel? https://app.slack.com/client/T03T9KZKP7H/C03THJT91D4 @John Towns on behalf of Comms (10 mins)

    1. Shelley asked Shawn Strande to work with Julie Ma to understand current stance.

    2. Also need to understand if Campus Champions should be used instead?

    3. We need to decide if and how this channel will be used and supported.

    4. Topic to be revisited next week. Julie Ma to be invited to next week’s EC meeting.

  7. Formal Path to EC Agenda @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Draft Google Form for review

    2. This would be an option, in addition to direct emails to Ron and/or Lavanya.

    3. Primarily for staff outside of the EC.

    4. Decision to release the usage of the form and see if there is an uptake. If not, we will discontinue its use.

  8. Availability of EC for 18-Oct Meeting @John Towns

    1. Many members will not be available. The meeting for 18-Oct to be cancelled.

  9. CC* Awards: What is expected from ACCESS @Leslie Froeschl

    1. Should ACCESS proactively connect with new awards?

    2. John asked Tom G. for a list of NSF awards that reference working with ACCESS. EC will need to understand this to connect and maintain partnerships.

    3. This list should include recent NSF awards that does not name ACCESS directly but does reference collaborating in NSF Advanced Computing services.

    4. CC* awards specifically reference MMS (Track 4)

  10. SC22 ACCESS session and NSF BoF overlap @Stephen Deems

    1. Decision is to adjust the ACCESS session schedule to not overlap with the NSF session.

    2. Currently ACCESS is 4 - 5:30 PM, NSF is 5:15 - 6:45 PM

  11. Time permitting: EC Backlog Review: Update priority/items for next EC meeting @John Towns


Next EC Meeting: 11 October 2022


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