2022-07-19 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-07-19 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

Track PIs

Track Members

ACO Members

Other Attendees

RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v)

RAMPS: Dave Hart (v), Laura Herriott

John Towns

Tom Gulbransen

MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)

MATCH: John Goodhue, James Griffeon (v), Dave Hudak

Shawn Strande


CONECT: Amy Schuele (v)

CONECT: Winona Snapp-Childs, Derek Simmel, JP Navarro, Alex Withers

Lizanne DeStefano


MMS: Tom Furlani (v)

MMS: Joe White, Matt Jones, Abani Patra, Bob Deleon

Ron Payne

Dina Meek


(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Approval of 05 July 2022 Interim EC summary and 12 July 2022 Interim EC Summary (5 min)

    1. Approved with no changes

  2. Informational Items (5 mins)

    1. RAMPS @Stephen Deems

      1.  Development Updates

        1. Add User and Allocation Manager forms implemented.

        2. SU Calculator in progress

        3. Allocations-facing profile data collection in progress

        4. User Profile API in progress

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth

      1.  Site Map revised based on yesterday’s Universal Navigation agreement in Website and Branding Working Group

      2. Wireframes for 90% of 9/1 site complete

      3. Detailed design starting

    3. CONNECT @Amy Schuele (Unlicensed)

      1. RT ticket system transition; setting up ACCESS queues

      2. RP communications

      3. Pilot RP integration started

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani


    5. OpenCI @John Towns


  3. 1 Sept. 2022 Critical Path @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Due and upcoming deliverables statused on the spreadsheet.

  4. Plan for Community Feedback Mechanisms (individual tracks / program-wide) (10 min) @John Towns

    1. Feedback inlets setup: RAMPS & MATCH

    2. Track 3 will field RP inquiries

    3. Decision needed is, for anonymous feedback: a) program-level inlet (i.e. help@access.org), or b) inlets at track-level only.

      1. Concern is that none of the tracks are funded to catch/triage “general” tickets.

      2. Current approach is to require the user to identify the topic area or the ticket, which will be used to route tickets to a specific track queue.

      3. Ron working with XSEDE to understand the average quantity of tickets generated by help@xsede.org, also collecting the average effort to triage these tickets.

    4. Website WG to discuss common footer including a contact us feedback mechanism.

    5. ACO will be crafting a communication to the community. Tracks asked to work with ACO to include messages into that communication.

  5. Website Update (10 min) @Dina Meek

    1. Tracks asked to provide comments via the Google Doc for the 1 August ACCESS landing page

    2. Wireframe agreed to by Website WG

    3. Functions vs track names agreed to for sub-domain and website navigation

  6. AMP Portal Review (20 min) @Julie Ma

    1. Presentation provided by Julie

    2. knowledge and tools will be shared on support page prior to location to submit a ticket. Want to encourage the users to use the tools prior to opening a ticket.

    3. MATCH starting newsletter 1 Aug

  7. Time permitting: EC Backlog Review: Update priority/indicate items for next EC meeting @John Towns

    1. John to post the XSEDE 2022 Community Survey results for review by Service Tracks


Next EC Meeting: 26 July 2022


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