2022-11-29 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-11-29 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Cindy Wong

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen (NSF)

(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Reminder - EC Focus Group with Lisa Kaczmarczyk next week’s EC meeting (12/6/2022)@John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Lisa Kaczmarczyk is the external evaluator

    2. John to start the meeting and then drop off next week

    3. The focus group will take up most of the hour

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 9 November 2022 EC Summary (approved)

  3. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS @Stephen Deems

      1. ACCESS Allocations Review Committee meeting taking place next Monday, December 5.

      2. Reviewer training and DEI discussion will take place tomorrow, November 30 for reviewers who have received review assignments for the AARC meeting.

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth


    3. CONECT @Tim Boerner

      1. The Ticketing System Working Group has made great progress! After doing an extensive evaluation, they are in agreement that Jira Service Management is the preferable choice of the evaluated options. The draft summary document is available here. In order to have a humane and compassionate transition, the WG is proposing the below rollout timeline:

        12/7: send out RP communications

        1/5/23: Setup completed 

        1/9/23 - 1/13/2023: All ACCESS staff + RPs to log in, orient to new system, trainings if needed

        1/17/2023: ticket submission flips to JSM

        1/18-2/18: ACCESS RT operational for open tickets and cleanup only

        2/20: ACCESS RT DB saved to IU archive (SDA), supporting VMs terminated by end of month

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani


    5. OpenCI @John Towns

      1. EAB nominations

      2. Creating a style guide for the RP’s

  4. Possible shift in messaging of ACCESS program from "who we are, how we are organized" to "what ACCESS means to you as a..." for each stakeholder group @Tom Gulbransen (15 minutes)

    1. We are past the point where we describe who we are and we need to change the narrative to “What does it mean to use ACCESS for each stakeholder group (for instance, as an RP, or a campus champion etc)

    2. Dina’s team working on the communications side and developing stories for the website

  5. EAB nomination worksheet available to the EC @John Towns (10 minutes)

    1. ACO members have reviewed the EAB nominations (74)

    2. The worksheet is ready to be shared with the EC

    3. Details/plan on how to review the nominations will be shared later in an email by John/Shawn

    4. The PI’s to discuss their preferences in 2 weeks time at the EC meeting

    5. Goal is to complete selections before holiday break and then get the applicants notified, so we can start working with them in January

    6. Need to collect a list of other opportunities for engagement for the applicants who are declined


Reference: EC Backlog

Next EC Meeting: 6 December 2022


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