2022-07-26 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2022-07-26 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


Track PIs

Track Members

Other Attendees

RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v)

RAMPS: Dave Hart

Tom Gulbransen

MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v)

MATCH: John Goodhue, James Griffeon, Dave Hudak


CONECT: Amy Schuele (v)

CONECT: Winona Snapp-Childs, Derek Simmel, JP Navarro, Alex Withers, Tim Boerner


MMS: Tom Furlani (v)

MMS: Joe White, Matt Jones, Abani Patra, Bob Deleon


OpenCI: John Towns

OpenCI: Shawn Strande, Lizanne DeStefano, Ron Payne, Jay Alameda, Dina Meek


(v) indicates a voting member


  1. Informational Items (5 mins)

    1. RAMPS @Stephen Deems

      1.  RAMPS is having a meeting with ACCESS RPs on Friday, July 29 @ Noon ET. Representatives from all resources who are expecting to be receiving allocation requests on September 1 are asked to join. Zoom Coordinates are as follows: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/95978876275?pwd=NUcrMDUxZ3BsWVdMSEovUmxqMW9mdz09. Passcode: 191854

    2. MATCH @Shelley Knuth


    3. CONNECT @Amy Schuele (Unlicensed)

      1. Cybersecurity: Web-based authentication via idp.acces-ci.org and CILogon is up and running. Globus authentication also now works with idp.access-ci.org, when used together with Globus Connect Server v.5.4. Transfer of XSEDE DUO subscription from UTK to NCSA for ACCESS is in progress. Workflows for new ACCESS ID registration and password updates have been defined and reviewed in the IAM WG. Initial CyberSecurity Governance Council meeting scheduled for August 4, 2022.

      2. RP Forum: Add any significant updates or needs that should be shared with ACCESS RPs to this doc by noon Tuesday: Email will go out early on July 27 for this week

       Communications Points for ACCESS Resource Providers

    4. MMS @Tom Furlani

      1. XDMod to be accessible via the MATCH portal.

    5. OpenCI @Shawn Strande

      1. ACCESS Wiki is returned to service as of 26-July. Jira still down, Ron is working the issue.

      2. access.org domain is still being worked through UIUC procurement for a 10 year lease. access-ci.org domain is currently owned by UIUC. Decision was made to use access-ci.org domain for the 1 August website delivery, and assumed to be used for 1 September, unless decided otherwise. Further discussion needed as to how to use access.org if/when it becomes available.

  2. 1 Sept. 2022 Critical Path @Shawn Strande (10 mins)

    1. Skipped due to time constraint.

  3. EC charter review (10 min) @Shawn Strande

    1. Review of EC Charter

    2. Dave: One item to include in the charter is the process to handle a 50/50 or 3 to 1 vote in the EC.

    3. PIs asked to add input ASAP.

  4. ACO communications (10 min) @Dina Meek

    1. Presentation Slides

    2. Cadence for the communications should be weekly or every-other-week.

    3. Communications need to be available in one place for view by community (including RPs) at any time, maybe Wiki.

  5. Outage communications (10 min) @John-Paul Navarro

    1. The XSEDE News service (announcements, events, and outages) is going away

      1. Entering and viewing news in the XUP

      2. Receiving emails for subscribed news categories

    2. CONECT and MATCH need a way to communicate infrastructure outages

      1. Slightly expanded scope with little additional effort: ACCESS integrated infrastructure announcements

    3. ACCESS doesn’t have a way (yet) to email news/outages to subscribed users

    4. Proposed design

  6. Ticket queue setup for ACCESS (10 min) @Winona Snapp-Childs

    1. XSEDE RT ACCESS Queues

    2. Ticket queues needed for tracks 2 & 4 for feedback. Doc above has details for review and feedback by all tracks.

    3. Topic will be discussed between Shelley & Winona today and Ticket system tech team group will discuss the queues as well.


Next EC Meeting: 02 August 2022


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