2024-05-28 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-05-28 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl (in review)

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • RP: Jeremy Fischer

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

(v) indicates a voting member

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Approved Final document for User Profile: Recommendations of the User Profile 2024 Working Group



  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 2024-05-21 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

    2. approved


  2. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. We have many that have recently passed - but have not been closed. Are we lagging behind?

    2. Stephen cleaned theirs

    3. Joe - has some updates to put in

    4. Shelley says they are good

  3. Final vote of Profiles recommendations @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Few comments received in initial review.

    2. Final document for vote: Recommendations of the User Profile 2024 Working Group

      1. due to their review today, Operations has indicated a “Yes” vote via email to approve the recommendations.

    3. Do we really want to be approving SOW? Yes - we should have that level of knowledge of what is going on (does not need to be really detailed) - keep it thoughtful but not really detailed (what will it take to get things done)

    4. All leads vote yes

    5. will spin down the working group


  1. Quarterly Meeting Agenda: Finalization @Shawn Strande (5 mins)

    1. The Quarterly Meeting agenda planning group has just about nailed down the agenda for next week (“Agenda” tab)

    2. Reviewed document

    3. Are ready to release it to all staff if it is OK

    4. What’s Everyone Developing session - plenary - do we have people lined up? - Dave and Rob are leading

      1. should the PIs ask or will the ACO ask for input on what everyone is developing slides? Stephen will make an email people can send out

    5. Need a speaker for Resource Selector

    6. Make sure people chosen for leads - know that they are leading the sessions

    7. Changing what session parallels based on interest - resource selector should be a plenary - combine Onboarding and Awards as a parallel session

  2. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. nothing major - will help with agenda planning

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana

      1. review complete

      2. finalizing goals

      3. date for getting RPs together for in person workshop - Sept 10 & 11 in Boston - Would like Aaron to come (tom F team will fund)

      4. workforce development workshops - needs from the community - get 8 submissions that were all really good - committee met recently to review to decide what will fund. Might be able to fund multiple because the cost was reasonable

      5. hiring another admin asst to help

      6. Will be creating a separate workspace - invitation only - for Slack for team

      7. Alana gave workshop feedback to Shawn that was about website

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie - absent

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. Interns / REUs start today

    5. OpenCI John Towns

      1. Preparing review materials

      2. finished update to PEP

Misc Topics:

Suggest an update from the RP forum should be a standing report for this meeting - yes should be added


Parking Lot



Next EC Meeting: 11th June 2024

4th June 2024 (Canceled due to ACCESS Quarterly Meeting)


Action Tracker:


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Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board

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