2025-02-05 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
Present: John Towns, Chuck Pavlovski, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Amitava Majumdar
Parking Lot:
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro
EC Meeting Debrief - none to review
Abbreviated meeting agenda - many are tied up with the NAIRR Portal Workshop. We will likely only go 30-45 mins.
John has had NO communications from Sharon or Puri regarding funding post Trump Executive Order regarding funding holds
The key date for making a go/no-go decision on the EAB/QM is the latest date we can cancel our contract with the Big10 Center.
@Lavanya Podila - do you know what date that is? she is looking into this and will check what the penalty would be for cancelling the invitation
Aloft - let them know by Feb 18th
Still checking on Big 10 Center
Please note cut off dates below:
Aloft: 18th February
Big 10 Center: 4th March
The contracts can be canceled by these dates and we will hold no liability with either vendor.
We don’t know where our travel supplement is in the approval process
EAB travel funding is already approved and can proceed - it is only the ACCESS Quarterly travel that is in question
Review Action Items
ACCESS To Do Items - filtered to only ACO members
@John Towns
@Chuck P
@Cindy Wong
@Lavanya Podila
Request from Leslie: add Eric Adams (ewa@purdue.edu) to the ACCESS EC email list and meeting invite - done
He will be attending the EC meetings as backup for Jeremy
Please include on Quarterly Meeting information
@Shannon Bradley
Wiki updates
Metrics charts - color changes
Starting Off-Boarding
@Dina Meek
@Kimberly Bruch
Next Meeting: 12th February 2025