RP Forum Meeting - 2024-03-14
Attendees: Tom Maiden, Dave Wheeler, Jeremy Fischer, Anthony Bellatuono, Segiu Sanielevici, Rajesh Kalyanam, Carol Song, Vikram Gazula, Brett Bode, Chrisopher S. Simmons, James Griffioen, Bob Sinkovits, Eva Siegmann, Jp Navarro, Daniel Howard, Ken Hackworth, John Huffman, John Huffman, Vikram Gazula,Anu Chirinos.
Dave Wheeler from ACCESS Operations will talk about Globus with ACCESS and related discussions
Office hours by Globus to help users
In response to questions on slides: (Tom Maiden) issue regarding using correct credentials using in globus with HPC systems (PSC, SDSC)
(Jeremy Fischer) Globus connect issues with Jetstream
JP Navarro from ACCESS Operations will summarize software publishing with operations including lesser utilized features
ACCESS plans: RP software discovery and publishing plans
5 RPs currently publishing
(Bob Sinkovits) noticed low adoption
(Carol Song) Asking about metrics and analyzing metrics
Todo: JP noted that the logs exist, just have not analyzed usage to date
Open floor RP Q&A or issue discussion
(Eva Seigmann) proposed PEARC Panel - (April 26 deadline) replicate what was done at SC23 (short presentations 20/30 min RPs intro's, followed by discussion )
Jeremy set up google drive: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w7aj5XZlvuoGzQwDfFv1z01ILZJ5FqGO?usp=sharing__;!!Mih3wA!Ac6EdcU5XdgiwYbKhZ-dCk5I_FgHLVmK5nPW01151WDsH3ID72iUK4d71cOpakwfSbdPStUbeAEf$