RP Forum Meeting - 2024-02-01

RP Forum Meeting - 2024-02-01

  • New RP Chair / Co-Chair introductions

  • Discussion of contentious ByLaws section (requested by ACCESS EC)

  1. The RP Forum will actively collect and provide to ACCESS the needs of the RPs in support of ACCESS's requirements collection process;

  2. Members of the RP Forum will participate in ACCESS requirements management processes to support the selection and prioritization of requirements to be adopted by ACCESS;

Replace with:

The RP Forum Chair or delegate will participate in ACCESS Executive Committee (EC), if approved by the EC, to support the selection and prioritization of requirements and policies to be adopted by ACCESS that concern RP Forum members

Issue being that the requirements collection process in XSEDE by the XCI UREP does not exist in ACCESS.

  • Discussing the performance measurement call from program officers and any issues with it

    • any translations/interpretations/thoughts

    • getting sites that are not properly plugged in to XDMoD to start that process or revise if things are out of date

    • Reminder about NetSage so people can plug in there as a future part of this

  • Round table


Meeting Notes;

Bi-laws discussion: Dan Stanzione recommends that we get approved to be represented  in the EC prior to updating the bylaws.   John Towns will present reqeust to the EC.   Jeremy to draft  writeup for reqeust participation in EC.     David Hancock, Dan Stanzione and Mary Thomas to help write up for John.   John will also provide feedback on writeup before presenting to EC.

(Mary chat) “RP Forum serves as a vector for new organizations to participate in ACCESS and provide input on new and innovative technologies”

XDMoD discussion: --Monitoring and Metrics, XDMoD 

What are the correct metrics to report, and can all resources be visible in XDMoD?  Will XDMoD be able to support incorporating all resources? NSF requesting all data (full view of NSF funded resources), one data available other groups to figure out  how to present it.  Currently only ACCESS jobs reported,  to now include NAIRR, and discretionary.  RPs to agree to report all usage on NSF funded systems.

-- Recommended: We need to annually check that the data being presented is accurate

-- Need : Clear definition of what MMS expects as a complete set of data.  NSF needs to define the views they want to see so that the data provided by RPs is relavent. 

– Mary introduced discussion on Interest in creating a set of standardized metrics for reporting for NSF grant 

David Hancock(chat): “ Those integration/reporting tasks should ultimately be captured in the integration roadmap and detail that MM requests: ACCESS Infrastructure Integration | Operations There are usage reporting and performance data reporting tasks that should be maintained by the MM track.”

Dan Stanzione(chat) “I still like reporting in cloud equivalent dollars.   Especially because it illustrates so well that cloud costs increase 40% per year right now 🙂For TACC cycles, 2022 cloud equivalent cost (CPU only, no storage or network)… $300M.   2023: $430M.   We didn’t add any.”

-- Mary in chat: Metrics2023

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