ACCESS Resource Provider Communication - July 27, 2022
I am sending this on behalf of the ACCESS Track 3/CONECT/Operations team. For the short term, we are going to use the sp-forum and sp-software email lists to communicate with you about important transition information you’ll need to successfully integrate into the ACCESS ecosystem. This email includes important information and actions. Please forward this message to any resource provider (RP) staff that may not be on these email lists but need to know this information. Please note that in ACCESS, we will use the term “resource provider” (RP) instead of “service provider.” We plan to send out a weekly communication with pertinent information, so please be on the lookout for those weekly emails!
ACCESS Resource Provider Allocations Meeting
On Friday, July 29 at 12 PM ET, the ACCESS Allocations staff will host a meeting for all Resource Providers who are planning to allocate their resource(s) through ACCESS starting on September 1, 2022.
The meeting will focus on orienting Resource Providers to policy changes, objectives for the allocations marketplace, new allocation tiers, ACCESS credits, and successfully integrating resources into ACCESS.
At least one representative from each allocable resource is asked to attend. Coordinates for the meeting are as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Password: 191854
Questions in advance of the meeting, or feedback on the allocations process, can be sent to ACCESS Allocations here:
Preliminary Plan for ACCESS Integrated Infrastructure Announcements
The XSEDE News system that is used to record and communicate XSEDE announcements, events, and system outages will be retired by August 31, 2022. By September 1, 2022, ACCESS plans to introduce the ACCESS Operations Portal where ACCESS integrated infrastructure operators (such as RPs and ACCESS awardees) can communicate infrastructure related announcements, including planned and unplanned outages.
These announcements will be publicly displayed on the ACCESS Support portal used by researchers and have easy to remember and bookmarkable URLs.
These announcements will also be accessible through an API for developers of ACCESS affiliated portals and websites.
The ability to subscribe to announcement categories and receive email notifications will not be available on September 1st. ACCESS is exploring ways to provide that functionality in the near future.
Reminder: The XSEDE SSO HUB retires 8/31/2022: Thanks to those who have already provided their links to local site documentation for ssh login. Others: By August 1, 2022: Please email links to your RP site documentation for ssh access to with the subject “How to SSH directly to ACCESS <resource_name>” so that ACCESS can help direct customers accordingly.
For any other questions or feedback, please email with a subject line “ACCESS Feedback.”