RP Forum Meeting - 2024-06-20

RP Forum Meeting - 2024-06-20

Attendees: Aaron Weeden, Anita Schwartz, Anu Chirinos, Brett Bode, Holly Klinesmith, Jennifer Schopf, Jeremy Fischer, Elizabeth Leake, Matt Yoder, Lisa Perez, Rajesh Kalyanam, Robert Sinkovits, Sergiu Sanielevici, Tim Boerner, Tom Maiden, Yu Ma

The meeting agenda for today is:

  • Allocations - a vision for a revamped resource catalog - Matt Yoder

  • Brief allocations update (Standing agenda item) - Rob or Nathan from Allocations (if present and needed)

  • Open floor RP Q&A or issue discussion

Matt Yoder - Presentation on new Resource Catalog Vision

Slides are here:
Screenshots of the interface wireframes in development:



Sergiu - Sometimes there is a scrolling concern?  Balance between what is needed on the page and how much scrolling is necessary.

Matt - Probably a table of contents is needed but that is not shown in this mockup.

E - Assuming the font is a wire frame

Matt - Right, this is all for the mock up

E- Accessibility will be important, thas that been evaluated yet

Matt - we will do that but it hasn’t yet.

Bob - Great presentation, love the steps that have been taken.  First of all, I like that http://ASK.CI and Affinity groups have been integrated.  As far as the http://ASK.CI , will that pull up the relevant questions which tagged the resource?

Matt - That is my assumption, I am not the http://ASK.CI expert, but yes, whatever has been tagged for that resource should be included.

Bob - that would be great to draw more attention to this as well as the Affinity Groups.  The other thing that would be nice, are their plans to compare side by side resources?

Matt - that is not something that we considered yet but that is an interesting idea.  The challenge will be that this includes more than just the technical resources.  This would tie in the resource selectors in some way.

Sergiu - There is an RP meeting in Boston in September.  I wonder if you have been in touch with the support team to consider if this discussion should happen at that meeting.

Matt - They were part of the ACCESS meeting discussion but we have not discussed this being part of the September meeting.

Jeremy - Is there a plan to have researcher/user focus groups?

Matt - We are not far enough down the road to speak specifically but that is a good idea.  We will have different types and levels of research weigh in to make sure we are covering all aspects.

Rajesh - this is great!  How will you pull all of the information together? Will RPs fill in the information somewhere?

Matt - those specifics have not been decided yet.  The general idea is to not duplicate information.  We will work with the other teams to figure out where it should live.

Rajesh - we could pull in metrics information from that team as well

Matt - possibly, that has not been determined yet but we think so

Anita - Unless the data is pulled in from existing resources, this will be very hard to keep up to date.  It will depend on the researcher questions what information is needed on these pages.  Which direction do we send people first.

Matt - My response to that would be we want to offer different pathways for people to find resources. This will be one pathway.  Geared toward someone unfamiliar with the resources, exploring options, window shopping, etc.  There will be people who want more specific guidance.

Jeremy - glad to see that pop-up boxes to ask questions but wants the teams to avoid duplication of efforts

Matt - there is a coordination effort getting underway, some tools are further along

Tom - We will want the information pulled from existing sources, so if that is not there we will want to make sure it is collected.

Matt - User Success Stories probably don’t exist yet.  But most of this information does exist somewhere in ACCESS.

Sergiu - ACCESS newsletters usually have the success stories, and they are hosted on RP sites

Matt - That will likely be the next phase of this work.  Which pieces live where and how do we collect it all.

E - It might be useful to guide them if it does not exist already.

Sergiu - The ACO could probably coordinate those collection efforts


  • Brief allocations update (Standing agenda item) - Rob or Nathan from Allocations (if present and needed) --- None

  • Open floor RP Q&A or issue discussion --- None


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