2024-06-18 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-06-18 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • RP: Jeremy Fischer

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

(v) indicates a voting member

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 2024-06-11 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary (approved)


  2. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. There were a number of things collected at the quarterly meeting that were discussed such as web redesign, resource selector. EC has a task to sort out/formalize some of that.

    2. There will be some milestones that will likely disappear.

    3. Network data integration milestone from Metrics - one of the most stringent policies such as levels of IP address masking, pretty detailed conversations with the officers. Shava and team have made quite some progress.

    4. Do we need NSF to do anything? Not really.

    5. We want to ensure the policies are real and reflective of the work that ACCESS is doing. It's an internal ACCSES thing and not NSF.

    6. Stephen - Biannual review meeting, there might be an update coming.

    7. Support submitted all the goals

    8. Some milestones will come out of the quarterly meeting and working groups and standing committees

  3. PEARC 24 @Lavanya Podila (5 mins)

    1. Discussion on program-wide activity on the Thursday afternoon at PEARC

      1. EC Decision Made: No Program wide activity on Thursday afternoon at PEARC

    2. PEARC Wiki Page: PEARC 24

    3. ACCESS Booth location will be shared once confirmed

    4. Call for volunteers for ACCESS Booth: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rpCdDhUelhba2GKYbYNRX-lmbL_e26zKA9dqCFt6yDA/edit#gid=0

  4. Discussion about Resource catalog @Stephen Deems (20 mins)

    1. There was a lot of discussion about working groups but next steps were not planned.

    2. Matt Yoder would be the representative from Allocations if a working group is to be formed.

    3. JP and Winona would be the representative from operations

    4. Stephen to set up the first call between Matt, JP, Winona, Vikram, Aaron.

    5. ts's important to have a separate discussion about the resource catalogues.

    6. Shawn to suggest a framework, get the EC involved, spin up working groups or leverage existing ones.

  5. Getting Working Groups to EC meetings @Leslie Froeschl (20 mins)

    1. Goal is to get the DEI charter ready and then hand off to the standing committee for implementation

    2. DEI group to present during next week’s EC meeting

    3. Followed by Web Design 2 weeks after that

  6. EC attendance in July @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. EC members to take vacations, other projects etc

    2. Action item for Lavanya to send out a doodle poll

  7. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RP Forum @Jeremy Fischer

    2. Allocations Stephen Deems

    3. MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana

    4. CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie

    5. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. MMS team will volunteer for ACCESS booth duty at PEARC

    6. OpenCI John Towns

      1. Working on response to annual review panel report

      2. preparing supplemental request for in-person quarterly meeting support

      3. need to figure out how we are going to collectively distill commonalities across award reviews

Misc Topics:

  1. Discussion regarding trends and analysis demand vs capacity that Jeremy can provide.

  2. Only ACO is submitting a supplemental request for the in-person Quarterly Meeting support.


Parking Lot



Next EC Meeting: 25th June 2024



Action Tracker:


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