ACCESS Collaboration Portal
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2024-05-01 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
2024-05-01 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
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Ticketing Working Group
ACCESS OnDemand Working Group
ACCESS OnDemand Pilot Brainstorming
Working Group EC Update Schedule
ACCESS Web Presence Standing Committee
ACCESS Design Coordination - Branding/style guide needs
2023-Meeting Notes
Web Decision Tracker
ACCESS Analytics
Glossary 2.0
Site Map 2.0
Revised Universal Navigation Notes
User Testing
Personas Landing Pages Content Outline
2024-01-10 Meeting notes
2024-01-24 Meeting notes
2024-02-07 Meeting notes
2024-02-22 Meeting notes
2024-03-06 Meeting notes
2024-03-20 Meeting notes
2024-04-03 Meeting notes
2024-04-17 Meeting notes
2024-05-01 Meeting notes
2024-05-15 Meeting notes
2024-05-29 Meeting notes
2024-06-12 Meeting notes
2024-06-20 Meeting notes
2024-06-26 Meeting notes
2024-07-03 Meeting notes
2024-07-18 Meeting notes
2024-07-31 Meeting notes
2024-08-14 Meeting notes
2024-08-21 Meeting notes
2024-08-28 Meeting notes
2024-09-11 Meeting notes
2024-09-18 Meeting notes
2024-10-2 Meeting notes
2024-10-24 Meeting notes
2024-11-6 Meeting notes
2024-12-4 Meeting Notes
ACCESS Award-Level Pages
ACCESS Operations
OpenCI - ACCESS Coordination Office
OpenCI Project Office
OpenCI Leadership Meetings
Collaboration Tools Information
ACO Collaboration Meetings
OpenCI Project Documents
Articles of Interest
10 great OKR dashboards to save hours at work
Achieving change by transforming engagement
How to build up big team science: a practical guide for large-scale collaborations
Co-producing knowledge: Phases, issues and the td-net toolbox
20 habits of high-performing leadership teams
How to create OKRs your team won't hate
OKRs vs KPIs: what's the difference?
You Need to Know these Metrics
5 ChatGPT Prompts to Set Effective OKRs
The forgotten cousin of OKR that could make it 10x better
10 tools to keep your team engaged with OKRs
Product Managers' killer template for Product updates
Creating and Maintaining High-Performing Collaborative research teams: the importance of diversity and interpersonal skills
# Facilitation Techniques for Effective Decision Making
Sandbox - Team Science Framework
9 Frameworks for Leading and Managing People
Four strategies to increase the likelihood of creating and sustaining successful research teams
Decision Making Frameworks
Individual motivation and threat indicators of collaboration readiness in scientific knowledge producing teams: a scoping review and domain analysis
Inclusive Practice Glossary for Facilitators
Transforming Meetings: 5 Game Changing Strategies Adopted by Teams to Improve Productivity
Research with Indigenous and Local Communities
Sandbox - Onboarding Offboarding
Draft On-boarding Process
1 - On-boarding Checklist
2 - Team Overview Powerpoint Handout
3 - General ACCESS Onboarding: 101
4 - How Your Job Supports ACCESS
5 - Individual On-boarding Milestones
6 - From On-Boarding to In-Boarding - What Comes Next?
A - Create Individual Training Plan
B - Create Power Points for Every Team
C - Introduction Sheets of Job Descriptions and How they Cross References to the Appropriate WBSs
Draft Off-Boarding Process
Individual Training Plans
Onboarding Brainstorming - Quarterly Meeting
Team science is an integral competency for the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator Program
Evaluation Steering Committee
Community Building & Engagement
ACCESS Allocation Services – Resource Allocations Marketplace and Platform Services (RAMPS)
2024-12-18 Meeting Notes
ACCESS Communication & Outreach Coordination
ACCESS WG and SC Milestones Status (Working notes)
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ACCESS Collaboration Portal
Draft On-boarding Process
B - Create Power Points for Every Team
B - Create Power Points for Every Team
Shannon Bradley
Owned by
Shannon Bradley
Sept 10, 2024
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