2024-09-11 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Amitava Majumdar

Parking Lot:

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. - cancelled - no quorum

    2. discussion items moved to next week

  2. Review Action Items




  1. Updates

    1. @John Towns

      1. suggest retiring Risk RR-118 since this is associated with the work Lizanne was doing

      2. suggest retiring Risks RR-123, RR-124, and RR-144 since they are associated with discontinued efforts with respect to CB&E

    2. @majumdar

      1. Sent email to NSF (Sharon, Tom) CCing John about promoting ACCESS to the community,

      2. Working with Cindy and John to be ACO rep to RAC

    3. @Chuck P

      1. no additional updates

    4. @Cindy Wong

      1. Advisory Committee - if Amit is not available can Cindy represent the ACO? yes but ask if Chuck or John can be there

    5. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Sent out emails for agenda for Quarterly Meeting - Zoom Invites are sent out - let her know if there are any issues

        1. Stephen D is taking lunch orders - make sure to fill in the info in the spreadsheet

          1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iwratAQssVyzcyk91rL4NGyw7k8pQS4pr_gAwi3l21U/edit?gid=0#gid=0

      2. Print out name tags is next

      3. Finances listed in To Do Items

      4. Will be at Tapia next week

      5. Interim Officer taking over for Tom has reached out to Lavanya to be put on the meetings - waiting until announcement to officially add

        1. meetings are getting forwarded?

    6. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

      1. Will be at Tapia and helping with the booth

    7. @Dina Meek

      1. Panel Review Grid - item 7: where did the “How to Handle” come from?

        1. This is the link Dina is talking about: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACP/database/811466766

          1. Task: Create Communications Stories or metrics to track how ACCESS is contributing in practical ways to society to use for talking points when approaching non-traditional HPC communities.

          2. How to Handle: Suggest the ACCESS Communications Standing Committee consider spending some time distilling talking points from these stories to support those directly engaging with non-traditional HPC communities as well as others. Perhaps these talking points can be maintained on the ACCESS Communications Standing Committee wiki pages as a resource to any ACCESS staff member engaging members of non-traditional HPC communities. They could also be formatted into flyers for people to use at conferences. They could then be added to the website for easy access.

        2. The “How to Handle” came from the responses sent to NSF - this is pulled from the report:

        3. Recommendation 1.6: Showcasing how the science being enabled by ACCESS is contributing in
          practical ways to society would allow for talking points when approaching non-traditional HPC
          communities. Perhaps this could be done through metrics or communications stories.
          The ACO does highlight the impact of the science supported through science stories, events support,
          annual publications, and social media. This recommendation suggests the ACCESS Communications
          Standing Committee consider spending some time distilling talking points from these stories to
          support those directly engaging with non-traditional HPC communities as well as others. Perhaps
          these talking points can be maintained on the ACCESS Communications Standing Committee wiki
          pages as a resource to any ACCESS staff member engaging members of non-traditional HPC

        4. The last part of the “How to Handle” came from Shannon - pulling in a comment made in a previous NSF meeting

          1. They could also be formatted into flyers for people to use at conferences. They could then be added to the website for easy access.

        5. non-traditional HPC communities - any community that consumes less than 1% of the resources for their community is definition from a previous project

          1. should we utilize this to keep this definition?

          2. ^^ was worked into a Glossary which has a link at the bottom of every web page: https://access-ci.org/glossary/

    8. @Shannon Bradley

Next Meeting: 18th September 2024



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