2024-03-27 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

  2. Scheduling of Lisa’s Annual Report

    1. last year hers was done after we submitted our annual - would like to coordinate dates

    2. She will give us a draft - has content for discussion - then she makes adjustment based on the discussion - then she sends the final

      1. structure will be the same as last year

    3. What do we need?

      1. we do not have to attach it as an appendix to the Annual Report

      2. do we want to share with the review panel? We would need the report a couple weeks before the date

      3. if we reviewed in 3 weeks - that would give her a week to modify?

        1. She is leaning to giving it to us on the 9th and to discuss on the 10th

  3. Review Action Items

      1. Quarterly Meeting To Do Items:

        1. Shannon move to do items to all be in Jira - we were testing Jira and Trello

      2. Need to look at redoing our WBS - Shannon assigned

  4. Discuss survey results @Shawn Strande

    1. need to review and decide what we want to include in the annual report

    2. Same with RP Survey

    3. 2024 Survey Results (RP & Staff so far): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1849K18F3Qg6cA1woXKEus_P4-y27f27V

  5. Updates

    1. @John Towns

    2. @Shawn Strande

    3. @Cindy Wong

      1. EAB survey results from Feb 27, 2024 meeting (ACO viewing only)

        1. Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uPluy7hhS2jYwky9-oMn-uj9oai7GfGLinF6qm-5A6U/edit?resourcekey#gid=739189854

        2. Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PaJ303QtuX9eu4coiPo_Ms2LFUImcVaA7pVGqkdGlCg/edit

      2. EAB 1-1 with Allocations

        1. Received two potential dates from EAB (9 responded, pending 3)

          1. Monday, May 13 @ 9am MDT/ 11am EDT

          2. Tuesday, May 14 @ 9am MDT/ 11am EDT

        2. Do all EAB members need to present or is majority fine?

      3. June 3 EAB meeting - Can we set a 2 hour time for this now?

    4. @Dina Meek

      1. Shout Out to Kim for keeping ACCESS web content flowing!!

      2. Annual Review PPT - Start and due dates?

        1. Dina and Shawn to work together - should be a fairly light Comms lift

      3. SC - should we be planning to go?

      4. Comms budget

        1. PEARC swag - shirts for staff?

        2. Postcards

        3. SC swag

        4. social media video clips - PI Video snippets

    5. @Kimberly Mann Bruch - absent

    6. @Lavanya Podila

    7. @Shannon Bradley

Parking Lot



Next Meeting: 3rd April 2024

Action Tracker:

@Shannon Bradley - work on getting WBS back to correlating with all tasks and the PEP - Apr 30, 2024
All ACO - review 2024 Survey Results (RP & Staff so far): https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1849K18F3Qg6cA1woXKEus_P4-y27f27V - discuss at next meeting - Apr 3, 2024
@Shannon Bradley - move all to do items from quarterly meeting to Jira for management - Apr 2, 2024
@Shannon Bradley - follow up on confluence database for managing PEP and Metrics
@Shannon Bradley - Continue working on Team Science pages


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