2024-01-17 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Review EC Meeting Notes

    1. Updated RFP for DEI/Team Building session - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JvUPn3bVYw8pxmJTuLyBrvWBAXEv0Uhd/view

  2. Revised IPR format (@Shawn Strande )

Possible redo of the IPR. This takes it from 10 sections to 4, merges 2 sections, and moved most of the other sections into subsections.  

  • Merge “Benefits and Outcomes Achieved” with “Services Delivered”. Suggest renaming this to “Outcomes and Services Delivered”, and have it be Section 2, right after the Executive Summary.

  • Make several of the sections subsections in Outcomes and Services Delivered

  • For things we want to highlight from “Outcomes and Services Delivered”, add a brief summary in Executive Summary section.

  • Have “Stakeholder Feedback” be a subsection of “Outcomes and Services Delivered”

  • Create a new section call “Project Management”, with subsections for “Schedule” “Financials”, “Risk Management”, and “Metrics”.

  • Move what is now “Budget” to the “Financials” subsection

  • Move what is now “Metrics and Resolutions” to the new “Metrics and Evaluation” subsection of “Project Management”

  • Redo the “Schedule Status” section as a table and move it to a subsection of “Project Management”

 With these changes, the new report format would be something like this:

  1.  Executive Summary

  2. Outcomes and Services Delivered

    1. Executive Council Coordination (including what is in the EC Feedback section)

    2. External Advisory Board (including what is in the EAB Feedback Section)

    3. Communications and Outreach

    4. Community Feedback

    5. Project Office

  3. Project Management

    1. Schedule

    2. Financials

    3. Risk Management

    4. Change Management

  4. Metrics and Evaluation

    1. ACO Metrics

    2. Program Wide Metrics

    3. ACO External Evaluation

    4. NSF Feedback and reviews

John was also thinking about making it Metrics Focused as well as an option

  • flag items with numbers that reference metrics noted

Maybe we can get a proposed outline to Tom this week and move forward with planning report

Target dates - we have a few extra weeks we can add to the deadline per Tom

  1. Review Action Items

    1. Make sure to update your metrics table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j8X1aFKwXQJ90mMi4grYuWnzDisi8qb3jirc61hKCYY/edit#gid=314453872

  2. Updates

    1. @Shawn Strande

      1. Eval: Submitted Eval IRB request. Waiting to hear back. Need to collect input from ACO on the draft survey questions. Will share link with team.

      2. EAB: Chair committed to collecting all EAB member input from Dec meeting by Jan 22.

    2. @Dina Meek

      1. Are the program goals ready to work with/share? - not finalized (all but 1 are done) - John needs to start an email thread with the EC

      2. Would like to discuss some of what we talked about in last Monday’s NSF meeting regarding Comms

      3. Do we have dates for the Quarterly Report? (see above)

      4. Newsletter Survey Results & Recommendations - continue discussion next week

    3. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

    4. @Jay Alameda

    5. @Shannon Bradley

      1. Confluence has a new option of creating a database within Confluence itself - https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/databases

        1. https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/create-and-edit-databases/

        2. You can create a database by clicking on “Create” and selecting the Database option

        3. more information on what to do from there is covered in the link above

        4. it looks pretty straightforward

    6. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Quarterly Meeting Updates

        1. Finalized hotel, catering menus - will be submitting an RTP shortly

      2. Wiki page updated

      3. RTP submitted to purchasing to reimburse SDSC for catering costs from the Dec Quarterly Meeting

      4. RTP for NeurIPS - Waiting for clarification from Sonia on actual numbers.

        1. funding for NeurIPS arrived at Illinois last week

Parking Lot


Next Meeting: 24th January 2024

  • Lisa would like to present regarding the focus group (as long as notes are approved) - John might not be able to attend - could we use an alternate time?

Action Tracker:

@John Towns - start an email thread with the EC on program goals - Jan 19, 2024


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